Chapter 26

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6 Months Later

Sunday Afternoon: 12:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

Momo and Y/N developed their relationship over the past six months since Y/B/N was put into prison. The couple did not attend the trial but received a debriefing from the police. Y/B/N was adamant that they were innocent and being framed even though there was a lot of evidence against them. The jury found Y/B/N guilty, and the judge sentenced them to life in prison.

The couple locked the past in their memories. Their attention was always on each other, and it felt like the two were in their own world to the people around them. They went on many cute dates and visited many cooking institutions together. The two started a blog together about their cooking experiences that gained a small, dedicated following.

Y/N made a full return to the cooking scene. She paired up with Momo and the two of them became the dominant pair in every competition that they participated in. Y/N always came first place, and Momo raised to become second place. The two of them were unstoppable.

Everyone was now sitting around in the living room, chatting amongst themselves, without Y/N who was still sleeping. Momo told everyone that her girlfriend needed some sleep as she was exhausted. No one questioned it, and everyone had breakfast and lunch without Y/N.

"MO-BEARINGGG!!!" Y/N's angry voice could be heard echoing in the condo.

Momo's eyes widened in fear, and she instantly jumped behind the couch that she was sitting on. Y/N came storming into the living room moments later and started looking around the room. She demanded to know the whereabouts of her girlfriend. Everyone exchanged glances but refused to say anything as they knew that Momo might not survive. An innocent smile formed on Sana's face before she pointed towards where Momo was hiding.

Y/N walked behind the couch to find Momo crouching while covering her head with her hands. She let out a cough which caused Momo to look up at her. The two of them stared at each other: Y/N impatiently tapping her foot, while Momo gulped in fear.

Momo awkwardly laughed, "Oh hey, Princess. Didn't see you there."

"Out. Now," Y/N coldly stated.

Momo stood up and sat down on the couch again. Everyone else had moved to the other couch to avoid being in the crosshairs of Y/N. They had learned how scary the maknae could be when she was angry and had no intention in sacrificing themselves for Momo.

"You love me, right?" Y/N asked in a cold tone.

"Of course I love you, Princess!" Momo exclaimed, hoping that she would be spared.

"Then. Why. Didn't. You. Wake. Me. Up?!" Y/N questioned with a thunderous roar.

Momo gulped, "Because you need to sleep?" she innocently asked.

Y/N gave Momo a death glare, "I don't need sleep! I need to sell turnips!"

"Right..." Tzuyu trailed off, "This is about a game?"

Y/N turned to face Tzuyu, "Yeah! I refuse to be indebted to a stupid tanuki! I need to check turnip prices and make sales!"

"But... what is the problem?" Jihyo dared ask.

"I fell asleep before midnight and woke up just after noon! I missed a price change! I might've gotten a high turnip price!" Y/N explained as her expression went from angry to pouty.

Nayeon let out a sigh, "It's just a game, Y/N. You shouldn't let yourself get consumed by it."

"It's not just a game!" Y/N exclaimed before turning towards Mina, "Tell them, Mina-unnie!"

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