Chapter 10

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Saturday Evening

3rd Person POV

Everyone was gathered in the living room to watch a movie together. They all sat in their respective pairs. Tzuyu was nuzzled close to Jihyo; Nayeon was lying in Jeongyeon's embrace; Chaeyoung was lying down on Mina's lap; Dahyun was sitting between Sana's legs; and Momo and Y/N were sitting close to each other. The movie mostly served as background noise as the couples and potential couples were in their own worlds.

The movie ended with no one knowing what happened in the movie. They all stood up to stretch their bodies. Everyone was about to leave the room until Sana and Mina stopped them. They all turned to see that the pair, plus Dahyun and Chaeyoung, were standing close to each other.

"There is something that we would like to say," Sana said.

Mina nodded her head, "Something important to say."

Sana and Mina made eye contact with each other before nodding, "I am dating Dahyun." "I am dating Chaeyoung."

The room went silent for a second as everyone else processed what was said. The room erupted into cheers, save for Y/N who just nodded approvingly, for the two new couples. The two parent couples of the group started to tear up, both fake and real, as they reacted overdramatically.

"Ji-Ji, our kids have finally grown up!" Tzuyu fake sobbed.

Jihyo hugged Tzuyu and started to fake sob as well, "It's all thanks to our good parenting!"

"I can't believe they are finally in a relationship!" Nayeon sobbed for real.

"I know right?" Jeongyeon questioned as she hugged Nayeon, "It's almost as if they weren't just delaying the inevitable," she faked some tears.

Momo let out a sigh, "I mean, yes, this is an amazing moment, but do you four really need to be like this?"

Y/N placed a hand on Momo's shoulder to get her attention before smiling slightly, "Just leave them be. They are just doing their part as 'parents'."

Nayeon wiped the tears from her eyes, "Exactly, we will do the exact same thing when you make your relationship with Y/N official," she declared, causing Momo and Y/N's eyes to widen in surprise.

"Yah! That's not funny! Don't joke about a topic like that!" Momo yelled as she turned to look at Y/N who was blushing slightly, causing her to blush as well.

Jihyo started to shed real tears, "No! Not the maknae! She's still a baby to me!"

Tzuyu wiped the tears from Jihyo's eyes, "Ji-Ji, we talk about this. You promised that you would support our maknae when she decides to go for another relationship."

Y/N shook her head disapprovingly, "I sometimes question your two's status as the 'parents' of our group."

Momo let out a little laugh, "I mean they do embarrass their 'children' so that's probably why they are the 'parents'."

Nayeon cleared her throat to get everyone's attention, "Alright, jokes aside, let's have a little celebration for the two new couples!"

Everyone, excluding Y/N, cheered for the proposition. They all took out their phones to order food for delivery as no one had the energy to cook. All of the food arrived and were quickly laid out on the dining table. Everyone sat around the table and started eating. Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo each opened a can of beer in celebration, while everyone else drank water. The celebration got a bit wild as the effects of alcohol started to hit the three women who drank beer. Tzuyu had to control the situation as she was the only sober "parent".

The dinner ended relatively calmly a little thereafter. Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo sobered up and led the cleanup effort of the dining table. Once everything was cleaned and placed in the trash, Momo and Y/N expressed their desire to sleep early before heading to their shared room.

Nayeon and Jihyo called for a meeting in the dining room once they confirmed that Momo and Y/N had gone to sleep. Jihyo turned off the lights, save for the one hanging over the dining table. Everyone then sat down around the table. The low lighting made the meeting look like a gathering of suspicious individuals who were planning to do something diabolical.

"Alright, let's get to the point," Nayeon said before looking at Jihyo to continue.

"I think it's become quite clear that Momo-unnie has developed feelings for Y/N. We have even teased her about it," Jihyo explained, "I think we, especially my group, have noticed the way that Y/N behaves around Momo-unnie."

"That's right," Dahyun said as she nodded her head, "Y/N has been acting rather... affectionate when she is around Momo-unnie."

"It's amazing to see honestly," Chaeyoung commented, "Y/N hasn't acted like that since everything happened."

"It's also just as amazing for our group," Sana commented, "Momo never really talked about liking anyone before. Not to say she doesn't talk about love or anything, it's just that she never talked about having a crush. It's honestly a nice change," she said with a smile.

"I agree with Sana, a rare occurrence really. I think the both of them being together has actually helped the both of them. Momo seems more passionate about cooking than before, and Y/N has opened up more based on what everyone has said. Not only that, but Momo has been taking care of Y/N in such a loving way. Sure, she does that with our group, but not in the same way she takes care of Y/N. I have to admit, it's really heartwarming to see, and I have nothing savage to say," Mina spoke her opinion.

Tzuyu nodded her head in agreement, "I have also noticed everything that Mina-unnie said as well. It's kind of evident, to my group at least, but Y/N is actually really intimate with Momo-unnie. Lying down on Momo-unnie's lap? That's something she never did with us. Willing to sacrifice herself for Momo-unnie's sake? Sure, she would do something like that for us, but she would've given up after a couple of days."

"I think we can all agree that the both of them being together is good," Jeongyeon stated, gaining nods of agreement from everyone else, "We can't push them to be together due to Y/N's situation, but I think it would be a good idea to gently nudge them to develop their relationship. Excluding the fact that they will get closer, I think it would help Y/N with her situation as well."

Jihyo nodded her head, "Alright, sounds like a plan. I already have an idea of how to do this. Everyone, gather closer."

Everyone leaned in towards Jihyo. Jihyo started speaking in a quiet voice to make sure that her plan could not be heard by anyone not present at the meeting. Everyone nodded their heads in understanding before retreating back after the end of Jihyo's explanation.

"Sounds good, everyone get some rest as it could be a long day tomorrow," Jeongyeon commanded to adjourn the meeting.


A/N: Hello everyone! I am back with another update! SaiDa and MiChaeng have finally sailed, so why not have a little celebration right? Well, turns out that the afterparty was a meeting to talk about Momo and Y/N's relationship. I wonder what Jihyo's grand plan is for them. I mean it could be a "long day", so who knows what it could be. Anyways, until next time, thank you for the support!

P.S. I released the Prologue for "CEO's Love Story"!

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