Chapter 1

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Saturday Morning


"Y/L/N Y/N! GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP!" a voice shouted at me as they pulled my blanket off of me.

I let out a groan as I opened my eyes to see Tzuyu-unnie glaring at me with her hands on her waist. I voiced a mumbled complaint before rolling over and attempting to go back to sleep. Tzuyu-unnie let out a fake cough before throwing my blanket at me.

"Don't make me get Jihyo-unnie..." Tzuyu-unnie threatened me.

I threw the blanket off of me and sat up, "Fine!"

I got out of my bed and headed to the washroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went back to my room and changed into a white shirt paired with a beige cardigan. I paired it with a pair of blue jeans. I grabbed my phone and wallet, and placed them into my pocket before heading out to the living room.

I found Park Jihyo, Kim Dahyun, Son Chaeyoung, and Chou Tzuyu-unnies sitting on the couch and talking. These 4 are my close friends and unnies, and they are 23, 22, 21, and 21 years old, respectively. I myself am 19, but my birthday hasn't passed yet. The 4 of them work as a businesswoman, teaching at a music school, teaching at an art school, and in a veterinary office, respectively. I myself... don't like talking about what I do. Jihyo and Tzuyu-unnies are a couple and are the "parents" of our little group; they are often called by their ship name of "JiTzu" for ease of speech.

Jihyo-unnie was the first to notice my arrival. She stood up and told everyone that we were going now and to head to her car. We got into the car with me sitting in between Dahyun and Chaeyoung-unnies; Tzuyu-unnie sat in the passenger seat. Jihyo-unnie started the car and drove off.

JiTzu-unnies want Dahyun and Chaeyoung-unnies plus me to find a partner, so they are forcing us to go to this mixer event. I was really against this idea; but I feel bad for my unnies for their... help with my situation, so I reluctantly agreed to go.

Momo's POV

My name is Hirai Momo and I am 24 years old. I used to be a dancer but decided to put that career behind me and am now studying at a culinary school to pursue my dream of becoming a chef. My group consists of Im Nayeon, Yoo Jeongyeon, Minatozaki Sana, and Myoui Mina. They are 25, 24, 24, and 23 years old, respectively. The 4 of them work as an author, a baker, a teacher, and a ballet dancer, respectively. The 5 of us are close friends and live together. Nayeon and Jeongyeon are a couple and act as the "parents" of our group. Sana, Mina, and I jokingly call them "2Yeon" as it is their ship name.

2Yeon, being the loving "parents" they are, wanted Sana, Mina, and I to find partners of our own; so we are now on our way to a mixer event with Jeongyeon driving us to the location. I didn't really mind going as I wanted to meet some new people. Sana and Mina on the other hand, seemed really excited to go to this event. I asked them about it, and they told me that the person they are each interested in will be at the mixer.

The five of us arrived at the location for the mixer. It was a nice-looking café. Sana, Mina, and I got out of the car and entered the café, leaving 2Yeon behind. The café had a nice cozy feeling to it and was neither overly spacious nor small. Sana and Mina instantly started looking around the restaurant and their face brightened up the moment their eyes landed on two women who were also staring back at them.

"Chaeyoung-ah!" "Minari!" "Dahyun-ah! "Sana-chan!" four voices called out at once.

Sana and Mina dashed towards two women who were sitting at a table; they jumped up as well and dashed towards Sana and Mina. Sana hugged a tofu looking woman, while Mina hugged a tiger cub looking woman. I noticed that there was a third woman sitting at these two women's table, so I decided to sit down across from her.

Chef's Ambition (Hirai Momo x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now