Chapter 7

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Warning: This chapter contains content relating to physical, mental, and emotional abuse.

Saturday Afternoon


"THEY GROW UP SO FAST!" Nayeon-unnie sobbed out as she hugged Momo-unnie.


"Jesus Christ almighty. Momo has literally been to a competition before," Mina-unnie commented as she rolled her eyes.

Sana-unnie facepalmed, "You two literally do this every time."

Momo-unnie broke free from the hug, "You two are so embarrassing!" she complained, "Why can't you be normal 'parents' like Jihyo and Tzuyu?"

Everyone turned towards JiTzu-unnies to find them in their own world. Jihyo-unnie was side hugging Tzuyu-unnie and resting her chin on Tzuyu-unnie's shoulder. They were just lovingly staring at and whispering something to each other. This was a normal occurrence for them, and the rest of my group would always tease them about it.

"Ji-Ji, I love you," Tzuyu-unnie whispered, loud enough for all of us to hear.

Jihyo-unnie giggled before pecking Tzuyu-unnie on the cheek, causing her to smile widely, "I love you too, Chewy."

Nayeon-unnie let out a cough, getting JiTzu-unnies's attention, "We are here to see Momo off to her competition, not to watch you two be lovey dovey in public. We could stay at home for that."

Jihyo let out a chuckle, "Right," she then turned towards Momo-unnie, "Good luck at your competition! I know you will do great!"

"Don't come back if you don't finish in the top 10% of the competition," Tzuyu-unnie commented.

The two of them went back into their little world. The rest of us ignored them and said our last wishes for Momo-unnie before she went into the building where the competition would be for the next week. I was able to give her a little good luck dog charm that I bought for her at a store. It wasn't much, but I hope that it can help Momo-unnie in some way.

All of the competitors always stay at the nearby hotel. This helps make the event run smoothly and allows for competitors to spend as much time as possible on cooking rather than traveling. We won't be seeing Momo-unnie for a week, so that's probably why 2Yeon-unnies were being so over dramatic about Momo-unnie leaving for the competition.

Momo-unnie walked towards the entrance of the competition building. She stopped at the entrance and turned around. She waved at us one last time before disappearing into the building.

2Yeon-unnies finally went back to how they normally behaved. We all got into the two cars that we took to the venue and drove back to our house. There was nothing planned for the rest of the day, so Mina-unnie suggested that we play the Mafia game that she gave me for my birthday.

Everyone sat around the living room in a circle. Mina-unnie explained all of the rules to my group. She hosted the first round as a tutorial for us to get used to the game. Everything seemed nice as Momo-unnie's group was pretty passive.

Everything changed the moment we started the second round with Chaeyoung-unnie as the host. I found out that Momo-unnie's group plus Jihyo-unnie are all competitive people. I have never seen this side of Jihyo-unnie before as she was always known for being gentle.

"Tzuyu is the mafia! I checked her alignment last night!" Jihyo-unnie yelled.

Tzuyu-unnie looked at Jihyo-unnie with a shocked expression, "Ji-Ji?! Are you betraying me?!"

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