Chapter 15

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Friday Night: 11:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

The periodic beeping sound of the vital sign machine filled the nearly empty hospital room along with the periodic dripping from the IV drip. Several hours had passed since the incident at JYP Culinary School. Momo was now lying unconscious on a hospital bed. A clip was attached to her right index finger to read her vitals while a needle was inserted into her right arm for the IV drip.

Momo's eyes started to open as she let out a loud groan. Momo was greeted to the view of an unfamiliar white ceiling. Her senses were nulled, so she could not feel nor hear her surroundings. Her eyes darted around as her brain slowly processed the situation.

Several minutes passed before Momo's senses started to return. Momo turned slightly to the right when she heard the beeping of the vital sign machine. She looked down at her arm and finally noticed the IV drip. She looked completely confused by the situation as her mind was foggy of what had transpired earlier in the day.

"What am I doing here?" Momo thought to herself.

Momo tried to shift her body, but pain suddenly radiated from her side. She clutched her side as she fell back on to the bed. Her breathing became ragged as she wheezed from the pain. Her face reflected that the pain was excruciating to the point that it felt like she was about to collapse again.

"That's why I told you to make sure they have food before we leave," Nayeon's voice echoed in the room as the door to the room suddenly opened.

The audible sound of Jeongyeon sighing followed behind as Nayeon and Jeongyeon walked into the room, "How was I supposed to know that Sana and Mina would start bickering? I thought they would be too busy with Dahyun and Chaeyoung."

"You should've kn..." Nayeon trailed off as she turned her head and made eye contact with Momo who watched the couple with a judging expression, "Momo! You're awake!"

The couple dashed towards Momo and gave her a hug. Momo yelled at the pain caused from the hug, causing the couple to quickly separate from her. The couple quickly apologized to Momo who dismissed the need to apologize.

"So, how are you feeling?" Jeongyeon asked as she sat down in a chair that was placed on the left side of Momo's bed.

Nayeon sat down beside Jeongyeon, "Are you in pain? Do you need anything?"

Momo shifted her body to face Nayeon and Jeongyeon, causing her to momentarily grimace in pain, "My head is a bit hazy, but I only feel pain when I move around too much. Where is everyone else and what happened?"

Nayeon and Jeongyeon started retelling the events of what transpired earlier in the day based on the information they were given. They explained that Momo had saved Y/N from her psychotic ex that somehow found her whereabouts. Momo was stabbed in the side and collapsed from the injury. They were informed by Jihyo of what happened well over two hours after the event. They quickly rushed to the hospital and have been at Momo's side ever since except for an hour where they returned home for dinner.

Momo massaged her temples, "Shit, I remember everything now," she said before her eyes widened in realization, "Wait! What happened to Y/N?!"

The expressions on Nayeon and Jeongyeon's faces turned sad, causing Momo to feel anxious about the answer she was about to receive, "She called for help and was able to get the attention of a few people who were passing by the locker room. The strangers helped call for an ambulance and helped stabilize your wound. Once she knew you were going to get help, Y/N retreated into a corner and started breaking down. The strangers knew who Y/N was and went to get a professor who knew about her. The professor contacted Jihyo, but she was only able to get to Y/N's side after an hour's time. By then, Y/N had collapsed. She has been unconscious since and was admitted to the room beside this one," Nayeon explained.

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