Chapter 3

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Sunday Morning


My eyes fluttered open slightly before opening in surprise when I saw that I was in someone's arms and being cuddled. I froze as I felt fear take its course over me. Many questions ran through my head but the biggest one was "Who is this?". I was too scared to move, the fear fully taking over me. My heart started to beat rapidly, and I felt myself ready to cry until I heard the voice of this person in front of me.

"Oh, you are awake," Momo-unnie whispered to me.

I looked up and confirmed that it was indeed Momo-unnie who was cuddling me. I let out a mental sigh of relief as the fear within me receded. I felt an odd sense of joy finding out that it was Momo-unnie who had me in her arms.

"Yeah..." I awkwardly replied as I looked away from Momo-unnie.

"Are you feeling better?" she asked.

I looked back at Momo-unnie with a surprised look on my face, "What?"

"After your nightmare episode, I came back to the room and laid down on the bed. Your body started shaking so I pulled you into a cuddle and you stopped shaking, so I just slept with you in my arms," she explained.

I started blushing and Momo-unnie had a sudden look of realization on her face, "Oh no! I shouldn't have done that! You must be feeling uncomfortable! Here, let me just move my arm."

Momo-unnie started removing her arms from around me, but I suddenly pulled them back and buried myself closer to her body. I didn't know how to explain it, but I felt oddly... safe in her arms. It was completely different from whenever my unnies have comforted me in the past half year as I only felt warm and protected... but not this sense of... "safe".

"Y/N?" Momo-unnie questioned.

"It's... okay... Thank you. I appreciate it," I replied.

"You're welcome, but are you sure about this? We don't have to cuddle anymore if you don't want to," she questioned.

"Yeah, I am sure. It's just that... I need warmth to be able to fall asleep after having a nightmare, and I am still tired," I explained, lying about needing warmth to fall asleep again.

Momo-unnie pulled me closer to her and she started to stroke my head. My heart started beating rapidly and I didn't know why. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat before slowly wrapping my arms around Momo-unnie's body. I was surprised by my own actions, yet I didn't remove my arms from around her; I just let my arms stay there.

"Alright, sweet dreams," Momo-unnie whispered and the both of us fell asleep shortly after.

1 Hour Later

3rd Person POV

Jihyo walked into Y/N's room with Nayeon following behind her. They were going around to everyone's rooms to wake people up for breakfast. Jihyo stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the sight of Momo and Y/N cuddling with each other. She turned around to signal Nayeon to be quiet and pointed at the bed. Nayeon looked at where Jihyo was pointing and smiled.

"They look so cute together; should we wake them up?" Nayeon asked.

Jihyo shook her head, "No, let them be. Y/N must be exhausted from last night. But..." she took out her phone and smiled at Nayeon, "Doesn't mean we can't take pictures of them."

Nayeon and Jihyo started taking pictures of Momo and Y/N cuddling each other in their sleep. Jihyo had a lot of questions about what happened, but she was just happy to see that Y/N had not rejected Momo. Y/N suddenly stirred in her sleep, and Nayeon and Jihyo held their breath in fear that they were about to be caught. They let out their breath in a sigh of relief when Y/N cuddled closer to Momo and did not wake up. They internally gushed for a moment before taking a few more pictures and then leaving the room.

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