Chapter 25

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Sunday Evening: 7:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

Momo and Y/N watched as a police officer took Y/B/N out of the latter's apartment in handcuffs. A different officer radioed for a paramedic to the scene to make sure that whatever Momo ingested did not risk her health. The paramedic arrived and quickly checked the vile on the dining table before clearing that it posed no further health risks to Momo.

Momo and Y/N moved to the couch in the living room so that police officers could gather evidence. There were no words exchanged between the two of them, but it was very clear what they wanted to say to each other. Y/N suddenly burst into tears and hugged Momo.

"I am so glad that you are safe. I am sorry for putting you in danger like this," Y/N sobbed.

Momo smiled as she started rubbing Y/N's back, "You don't have to apologize; it's better that I did this instead of you. What happened anyways?"

"Y/B/N had a knife to your neck, but the police officers rushed in before anything could happen to you," Y/N explained with a sniffle.

The two of them stayed in each other's embrace for several minutes. Y/N did not want to leave Momo's embrace but knew she had to when a police officer approached them to ask them to come down to the police station. She begrudgingly broke away from the hug but clung on to Momo the whole time they were driven to the police station.

Momo and Y/N were escorted to an interrogation room upon arrival where they spoke to yet another police officer. They provided as much details and evidence as they could. Momo had grabbed her tumbler that held the small camera and microphone that Y/N had purchased. Everything that Y/B/N had done and said was captured on video and in audio.

Y/N was shocked when she heard the audio as only the officers who raided the apartment had live audio at the time. She started to tear up as the truth was revealed to everyone present. Momo pulled Y/N into a hug and allowed the younger woman to cry into her shoulder. She explained to the officer about the murder case that Y/N had been implicated in many months ago. The officer retrieved the case file and looked through it.

"This case was high profile when it happened," the officer explained, "I would like to thank the both of you for putting yourself at risk for helping us. Is there anything you would like to do right now that I can help with?"

Y/N lifted her head from Momo's shoulder, "I would like to talk to Y/B/N."

The officer nodded her head, "Alright, I can do that for you. I will bring them to this room," they explained before leaving the room.

The officer came back several minutes later with Y/B/N still in handcuffs. They made them sit in the chair and handcuffed their legs to the chair before leaving the room to provide them some privacy. The three of them sat in silence for several minutes. Momo was glaring at Y/B/N, while Y/B/N avoided looking Momo nor Y/N in the eye.

"Why did you do it, Y/B/N?" Y/N asked to break the silence.

Y/B/N let out a sigh before looking at Y/N, "I was jealous of you. You were always outshining everyone, including me," they then scoffed, "I hated that. I hated the fact that even though I was your friend, it felt like you looked down on me. It felt like you looked at me as if I was trash."

"What do you mean?!" Y/N exclaimed, "I never once thought of you like that. I always looked at you as my equal!"

Y/B/N chuckled before smirking, "That's what you think," they replied before glaring at Y/N, "I didn't want to be your equal. I wanted to be better than you."

"Were you always like this? Did you ever really care about me?" Y/N asked, clutching her hands into fists.

Y/B/N let out a sigh before their expression softened, "I did. That was probably the only genuine thing about me. But that didn't stop the darkness from festering in me. I wanted to take the top spot from you. I knew that I couldn't beat you naturally, so I resorted to any means possible."

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