Chapter 19

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Monday Morning: 11:00 A.M

Momo's POV

Y/N upheld her promise to start coming back to school regularly. This made me really happy as I would be able to spend even more time with her. We walked to school while holding hands. We started getting stares from other people when we arrived at school. I thought they were going to say something mean, but they surprised me when they mentioned how cute we looked as a couple.

Y/N had class, so I walked her to her classroom. I let go of Y/N's hand and pulled her into a quick kiss on the lips, which made her smile widely, before parting ways with her. I waved at Y/N's retreating figure before making my way to the library as I had nothing else to do until my class in an hour.

I dropped my stuff off at a table to claim it before going off to find a book to read. I have read more or less all of the interesting books in this library as I had nothing better to do before I met Y/N. I just grabbed a random cookbook and headed back to my table.

I sat down and it was only then did I notice that an envelope had been placed on top of my things. I placed my book to the side and picked up the envelope. It was plain white with neither a name nor indication that it was for me. My best assumption was that it was for me, so I decided to open the envelope and take out the contents.

My eyes widened in shock upon seeing that the envelope contained several pictures of me and Y/N. I was creeped out as these pictures were as recent as this morning. I quickly looked up and around the area. There was no one in sight, so I wasn't sure who could have given me this envelope. I was creeped out by the photos as it wasn't clear what the intention of the sender was by giving me these. I placed the photos back into the envelope and stowed it away into my bag. I didn't want to think too much about it as it could just be a fan or something.

I picked up my book again and began to read. Nothing I read was being processed as my thoughts kept on going back to the contents of the envelope. I suddenly saw a shadow in my peripheral vision and whipped my head towards it: nothing was there. I went back to reading as I tried my best to not let the paranoia take over me. Before, I wouldn't have cared, but now that I am in a relationship, I am more worried about Y/N's safety than my own.

Before I knew it, it was time for my class. I returned the book and made my way to the classroom. A chill kept on running down my back after each corner that I turned. I would look over my shoulder, but there was never anything suspicious. I eventually made it to my class but couldn't focus due to the evidently growing paranoia.

The end of class quickly came, and I immediately rushed out of my classroom to Y/N's classroom. She was waiting outside while playing on her phone. She looked up and a smile formed on her face the instant she saw me. All of my negative emotions instantly disappeared upon seeing Y/N's smile, and a smile formed on my face as a result.

The two of us made our way home. We talked about how our classes were boring. Dinner was already ready by the time we arrived home. We ate, cleaned up, took showers, and immediately went to sleep while cuddling with each other.

Friday Afternoon: 2:00 P.M

My paranoia only grew as the week progressed. I was getting envelopes every day. No matter where I was, they somehow found their way to me. Each envelope contained photos of me and Y/N. My paranoia grew to dangerous levels as the sense of danger increased with every new envelope.

I was sitting in the library with all of the envelopes' contents laid out on the table. I was trying to figure out if there was any connection between where the photos were taken and to who could possibly be sending me these pictures. The only connection I could make was that this person was either jealous of the fact that I was in a relationship with Y/N or that I had won the annual cooking competition.

Chef's Ambition (Hirai Momo x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now