Chapter 13

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Sunday Afternoon: 12:00 P.M

Momo's POV

I have been down ever since coming home Friday night. I had told everyone that I was going to come home a bit later than expected because I was going out with Y/B/N for dinner. I made sure to be clear that it was only as a thank you because they tutored me in cooking.

When I came home, Y/N wasn't excited to see me like she has been since our little outing last Sunday. To be exact, she wasn't even in the living room when I walked in the condo. Everyone told me that she was in her room, so I just went to check up on her. She was already sleeping, so I thought that she might have been tired or something.

I went to take a shower and got into the bed. I accidentally woke Y/N up and she turned to look at me. I smiled at her, but she frowned at me in reply. I was taken aback and tried to cuddle her, but she pushed me away. I was hurt by this but didn't want to push Y/N for a reason; so I slept facing away from her, feeling tears well up in my eyes and praying that Y/N wouldn't have a nightmare if we weren't cuddling.

My prayers were answered by Saturday morning as Y/N did not have a nightmare, but this didn't mean that the day was any better than the previous day. I woke up with Y/N already gone from the bed. I walked out into the dining room to see everyone eating. I sat down in the empty seat beside Y/N, but she just ignored me. The rest of the day was spent trying to talk to Y/N, but she actively avoided me while looking like she was angry at me. I wasn't sure what I did to upset her, and it just made me feel hurt that she wasn't telling me why. I tried cuddling her again at night, but she just pushed me away again. I silently cried myself to sleep, questioning if there was something wrong with me.

Y/N was still distant this morning during breakfast and she instantly left for her room after we finished eating. Everyone else was now sitting in the living room watching a movie together. I was left with my thoughts as everyone enjoyed the movie.

"Momo-unnie," Chaeyoung's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "Why the long sigh?"

I looked at Chaeyoung and gave her a confused look, "Long sigh?"

"Yeah, you've been sighing every couple of seconds for the past five minutes," Dahyun confirmed.

I let out a sigh, "Can we talk about something?"

Nayeon picked up the remote and paused the movie, "Sure, what's been on your thoughts?"

"It's about Y/N..." I trailed off.

"Y/N?" Jeongyeon asked for confirmation.

I nodded my head, "Yeah, she's been avoiding me since Friday night."

"Oh yeah, I noticed that too," Sana replied.

Mina smacked Sana on the shoulder, causing her to groan in pain and start rubbing her shoulder, "Why is everyone answering as if they don't know what has been happening?"

Jihyo facepalmed, "Sometimes, I really hate some of you girls."

Tzuyu let out a sigh, "Honestly, me too but more importantly..." she trailed off before looking at me, "Go have a serious conversation with Y/N. She was jealous of the fact that you were getting tutoring from Y/B/N. I was able to talk to her about it and calm her down, but it came back after you told us that you were going out for dinner with Y/B/N."

"Y/N was... jealous?" I asked with evident confusion on my face.

"Yeah," Jihyo replied as she nodded her head, "We've never seen her behaving like this before, so we were just as surprised as you are."

I processed everything that I was told before standing up and looking at Tzuyu, "Thank you, Tzuyu."

Tzuyu nodded her head before smiling, "Don't mention it. Now go comfort your girl."

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