Chapter 14

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Warning: This chapter contains mentions of blood.

Friday Afternoon: 1:00 P.M


I have been going to school every day since Monday. I didn't really go to classes except on Wednesday and just hid in the library to read some books to kill time. I only came to school so that I could be with Momo-unnie and Y/B/N during their tutoring sessions. It made sure that I didn't get jealous and Momo-unnie was happy to have me around.

I was amazed once again by how serious Momo-unnie looked when she cooked. It showed her dedication to the art and was a complete contrast to how she acts around me. It warmed my heart to see someone so dedicated to something they love. I... hope that I will be able to show her my dedication... towards he--- cooking as well.

I was still a little bit jealous of Y/B/N though. After the first day, I wanted to be the one that tutored Momo-unnie. There were a lot of accidental touches that I noticed, and it made my blood boil. I know it was by accident and that it's required for some things, but it still made me jealous. I really want to help, but I know that I can't... not yet anyways. I still need time... I just... need time.

I was now sitting in the audience of our school's annual cooking competition. We transformed our gymnasium into a stadium for the competition. An extra layer of floor was installed before all of the equipment was moved in with multiple storage units of ingredients. The bleachers were pulled out for the audience to sit. The crowd was filled with students, parents, and even recruiters for some of the top restaurants in Seoul.

I was very excited to see how Momo-unnie would do in this competition. I kept my promise to show up to support her, and I knew she was going to be very happy when she hears me supporting her. The other unnies were busy with work, so they couldn't come to support Momo-unnie; so it was up to me to embody everyone's support.

A bell was rung to indicate that the competition would start momentarily. The competitors started walking into the gymnasium, all wearing chef coats and hats. This competition always reminded me of those T.V cooking shows. It was fun to partake in, but it was still just as fun for the audience because of the skill level of most of the competitors. I actually participated last year and obviously won first place.

All of the competitors settled in, and I started to get worried as I didn't see Momo-unnie. It was as if she could read my thoughts because she came rushing in a few moments later. A smile formed on my face as she walked across the gymnasium and stopped at her station.

Momo-unnie settled down and started looking around the audience. I could see the disappointed look on her face until we made eye contact. A wide smile instantly formed on her face which made me just as happy as well. I gave her a little wave and she waved back.

"Good luck!" I mouthed to Momo-unnie.

"Thank you!" Momo-unnie mouthed back.

Another bell was rung to indicate the start of the competition. The entire gymnasium went silent as the emcee started speaking. There was a lot of boring speech about sponsors and the tradition of this competition before the theme was announced: Chinese cuisine. The announcement drew the disdain of most of the competitors as Chinese cuisine was not something that is taught at this school. I looked over to Momo-unnie and saw the excited look on her face.

I looked up and my eyes widened in shock after I made eye contact with someone across from me, "No! What is she doing here?!"

Momo's POV

I enjoyed having Y/N at the tutoring sessions with Y/B/N. It made me happy to have her around and reduced the chances of having issues with her adorable jealousy. Not only that, but Y/B/N also didn't tease me as much which allowed us to focus more on cooking.

Chef's Ambition (Hirai Momo x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now