Chapter 4

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Monday Morning

3rd Person POV

Everyone was up and about in the early morning getting ready for their day. Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Jihyo, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung were relaxing on the couches; with Nayeon and Jeongyeon sitting on one side of Momo and everyone else sitting on the other couch; in the living room; while Sana, Mina, and Tzuyu were in the kitchen preparing some food for everyone to take to their work or school. Y/N was still asleep as Momo left her to sleep in, knowing that the younger woman was not going anywhere today.

"Momo-unnie, how is your day normally on Mondays?" Dahyun asked Momo.

"It really depends on the week. Some weeks I go into school to prepare for a practical the next day, other weeks I have practicals, and on the odd week I may have some classes," Momo explained.

Momo ended up explaining how her normal week progressed. She did not mean to, but she could not stop talking as it was about her passion. Jihyo, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung were impressed by Momo's interest in the culinary art, while Nayeon and Jeongyeon nodded their heads like proud parents.

Y/N suddenly walked into the living room, gaining everyone's attention, "Good morning, Y/N," Nayeon greeted.

"Morning..." Y/N replied.

Y/N scanned the room and her eyes landed on Momo. Momo smiled at Y/N and the younger woman started walking towards her. Y/N sat down beside Momo and lied down on the older woman's lap, facing towards her body. Everyone present was surprised by this action, especially Jihyo, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung; they did not expect to see their maknae behave like this.

"Are you okay?" Momo asked with evident concern on her face.

Y/N tilted her head so that she could look at Momo and nodded her head, "Yeah, I am just... tired."

Momo smiled at Y/N, "Alright, just close your eyes for a bit. I will wake you up when I have to leave."

Y/N nodded her head before returning to her original position. Momo continued to talk about her schooling while she began to stroke Y/N's head. Nayeon and Jeongyeon gave each other knowing looks at Momo's action; while Jihyo, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung gave each other confused looks, wondering why Y/N was behaving like this.

Y/N fell into a blissful state as Momo continued to stroke her head. She used being tired as an excuse and did not intend to actually sleep, but she was lulled into a peaceful slumber by the nice feeling provided to her by Momo. She let out an almost inaudible snore that only Momo could hear, causing the older woman to giggle.

Y/N suddenly reached in front of her and felt Momo's stomach, "Momo-unnie has nice abs," she commented in her sleep before resting her hands underneath her head.

Momo started blushing not only because of Y/N's actions but the words uttered by the younger woman as well. Jeongyeon noticed this and teased Momo about what happened followed by Chaeyoung teasing Momo as well. The two women then high-fived each other and started laughing, causing Momo's cheeks to become a shade darker.

"What even happened for Y/N to act like this all of a sudden?" Jihyo asked.

Momo started explaining what happened last night between her and Y/N. She explained everything starting from when she apologized to Y/N about what she said that morning all the way to when she promised that she would be there for Y/N for as long as she is needed. Nayeon and Jeongyeon nodded their heads in an approving manner; while Jihyo, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung were flabbergasted by what happened.

"Seeing as Y/N has clearly taken a liking to you," Tzuyu stated as she walked into the living room, "I don't have much of a choice but to trust you now. You have my blessings but that doesn't mean that I won't hesitate to hurt you if you hurt Y/N."

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