Chapter 2

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Warning: This chapter contains mentions of abuse and blood.

Continuing from Chapter 1

Momo's POV

Jeongyeon drove our group back to our house to grab some personal belongings as we would be staying at Y/N's group's house for the night. I am both excited and nervous at the same time. I have only ever had sleepovers with my group when we were younger, so I am not sure what to expect.

The five of us arrived at the address that Jihyo gave us. I was amazed when we got out of the car because we were standing in front of a fancy condominium building. We grabbed our things from the trunk, and Nayeon led us through the entrance using the passcode that Jihyo gave us. We went up the elevator and arrived in front of the house.

"Damn, this is one fancy place," Nayeon commented as she rang the doorbell.

Jihyo opened the door and greeted us with a smile, "You made it! Come in! Come in!"

The five of us walked into the house. Jihyo led us to the living room where the rest of her group was sitting around and talking; there were two couches that could fit probably five people each. Sana, Mina, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung immediately jumped up and rushed to hug their love interest. My eyes wandered around the room and landed on Y/N who was staring coldly at us.

"You five," Tzuyu called out to my group, "Follow me; I will show you to your rooms for the night."

Tzuyu brought us down a hallway with rooms on both sides. We were shown to our rooms, and I was amazed yet again. The rooms were quite large in size. Tzuyu brought me to Y/N's room, and I placed my things against an empty wall. I took one glance around the room and noticed how it was simple and did not have a lot of clutter.

"I guess she prefers simple things, huh?" I thought to myself.

I walked back into the living room to find Sana and Mina already flirting with their love interests. Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Jihyo, and Tzuyu were sitting in the dining room discussing something. I looked around the room but could not find Y/N.

"Hey, Jihyo," I called out to Jihyo who turned around to look at me, "Do you mind if I use your kitchen? I want to cook lunch for everyone."

Jihyo nodded her head, "Yeah, go ahead. Feel free to use whatever ingredients you find in the refrigerator."

I walked into the kitchen and was amazed yet again. Every appliance was stainless steel and looked like it was purchased within the past year. I opened the refrigerator and my eyes widened at the wide variety of ingredients. These people must be loaded to be able to live in this condo and have such a well-stocked refrigerator. I grabbed some vegetables and beef before closing the refrigerator. I placed everything on the counter before starting to look through the cabinets and found some spices and sauces that I wanted to use. I placed that on the counter before looking for a cutting board and knife that I could use. I then finally got to work.

Y/N walked into the kitchen a few moments after I started preparing the ingredients. She was a bit surprised to see me but continued on as if nothing happened. She grabbed a cup from the cabinet and poured some water for herself. She drank the water, placed the cup down beside her, and leaned against the counter opposite to where I was cooking.

"So, you really are studying to become a chef, huh?" Y/N questioned with a cold tone of voice.

I nodded my head as I continued to chop some vegetables, "Yeah, it was one of my dreams as a kid alongside dancing. I did become a dancer and enjoyed what I did, but I found that cooking was what I enjoyed more."

Chef's Ambition (Hirai Momo x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now