Chapter 11

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Sunday Morning


The morning started off pretty normal as we all ate breakfast together. It was immediately after we cleaned everything that I started getting suspicious. All the unnies except for Momo-unnie said that they were going to go on dates. Sure, it's normal for people to go on dates when they are in a relationship, but it just seemed really suspicious that they were all going on the same day at the same time.

The unnies recommended that Momo-unnie and I go on an outing of our own. Momo-unnie obviously liked this idea and pleaded with me to go with her. It was kind of cute, and I willingly agreed to go much to the surprise of my unnies. My decision wasn't based on Momo-unnie's pleading as I was genuinely excited by the idea. I haven't done an outing in a very long time, and it would be good for me to do the activities I once enjoyed; it's just a bonus that Momo-unnie and I will get to spend quality time together and hopefully bond.

Momo-unnie and I were now heading towards the same dog café we went to with Y/B/N. She seemed really excited as she pulled me by my wrist. It was kind of funny to see her behave like this, but it was definitely cute.

"Sorry for taking you here again," Momo-unnie said as we entered the café.

I shook my head, "Don't worry about it. Playing with dogs is fun for me as well."

Momo-unnie smiled at my response. We sat in the same seats as last time. A barista came by to take our orders before leaving us. The both of us turned to the side when we heard a dog barking.

"Boo!" Momo-unnie yelled before rushing from her seat to hug the little dog.

Boo licked Momo-unnie's face causing her to start laughing. Some of the other patrons turned their heads to look at her with a judging expression, and I felt a little embarrassed that I was associated with her. All of that feeling disappeared when she scooped up Boo into her arms and sat back down in front of me. She started whispering something to Boo and acted as if I wasn't present, not that I minded or anything. A part of me felt weird seeing Momo-unnie behaving like this; it wasn't a bitter feeling as it felt oddly sweet.

"Momo-unnie is so cute," I supposedly thought to myself.

Momo-unnie froze and turned towards me, her cheeks blushed, "Sorry?"

My eyes went wide in shock when I realized that I had said my thoughts out loud. My cheeks instantly turned red out of embarrassment. Neither Momo-unnie nor I said anything about what was said. We just stared at each other silently figuring out what to say. I was about to open my mouth to say something when the barista returned with our orders. He placed everything on the table.

"Boo seems to really like you," the barista commented.

Momo-unnie nodded her head excitedly, "Of course he does! He's basically my baby."

The barista chuckled at Momo-unnie's response, "Ah! You must be the woman that the owner mentioned. Do you want me to take a picture of you three?"

"Ooo, I like that idea. Here, use my phone," Momo-unnie replied as she pulled out her phone and gave it to the barista.

The barista took a few steps back and moved the camera up in front of him to take the picture. He told us to move closer so that we would fit in the frame before taking the picture. He then told us to do a few poses before taking more pictures.

"Thank you very much for the pictures!" Momo-unnie exclaimed as the barista gave her phone back to her.

The barista smiled at us, "Don't mention it. Enjoy your date!" he said before leaving.

Chef's Ambition (Hirai Momo x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now