Chapter 23

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Monday Evening: 7:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

"I am so pissed!" Y/N exclaimed as she paced around the living room, while everyone else sat on the couches, "I am going to give this fan a piece of my mind if I ever meet them! How dare they do something so imbecile?! Sending Mo-bearing envelopes of photos and making it look like they were a stalker out to do something terrible to me?! Turns out they were just a goddamn fan wanting to get her attention!"

Momo and Y/N came home pretty late after deciding to visit a café. It was Momo's idea after noticing the anger exuding from Y/N's demeanor. The idea was rather successful, and Y/N returned to normal; but her anger returned the moment the two of them set foot into the home.

Sana raised her hand as she wanted to say something but had her hand pulled down by Tzuyu. She looked at the younger woman who shook her head to indicate that it would be a bad idea. Although Y/N is known for her ball of happiness personality, her group found out that it was a terrible idea to interrupt the maknae when she went on an angry rant.

"Some people are just so stupid," Momo commented from beside Nayeon, "We went through some rough patches because of this 'fan'."

Y/N walked over to Momo and straddled the older woman's lap and hooked her arms around Momo's neck, "You can say that," she said before smiling, "But we were able to develop our relationship because of it. Also, you now probably don't need to take the medication that the doctor prescribed you."

Momo placed her hands on Y/N's waist before giving the younger woman a peck on the lips, "You're right, Princess."

"Can you two get a room?" Jeongyeon commented while pretending to puke.

Y/N turned her head towards Jeongyeon, "But we do have a room," she innocently replied, causing everyone else to laugh.

"Oh makane, sometimes we forget how innocent you are," Dahyun said while shaking her head.

"Is she really innocent or is she acting innocent?" Chaeyoung questioned with narrowed eyes.

Y/N pouted at Chaeyoung's question, "What do you mean, unnie? I am innocent," she replied with puppy eyes.

"Sounds questionable with Momo as your girlfriend," Sana commented.

Mina let out a chuckle, "I am actually in agreement with Sana."

"Yah! What are you two saying?!" Momo angrily questioned.

Nayeon started to fake cry, "They grow up so fast!"

"Just remember to keep it down. Some of us would like to sleep," Tzuyu plainly commented.

Jihyo smacked Tzuyu on the shoulder, "Yah! That is our makane you're talking about!"

Tzuyu rubbed her shoulder that was radiating with pain before pouting at Jihyo, "Ji-Ji~~~ That hurt~~~" she complained with aegyo, "Momo-unnie and Y/N are both consenting adults in a relationship. They can do whatever they want so long as it doesn't bother the rest of us."

Jihyo kissed Tzuyu's shoulder, "I'm sorry, Chewy. I guess you're right," she then turned towards Momo and Y/N, "Make sure to keep it down if you two do anything."

"How did this go from me ranting to Mo-bearing and I doing the nasty?" Y/N questioned with an innocent expression.

Chaeyoung jumped up and pointed at Y/N, "Ha. HA! The makane isn't innocent after all."

Mina pulled Chaeyoung back down onto the couch, "Chaengie, leave Y/N alone. She was bound to be corrupted by Momo at some point anyways."

Chaeyoung smiled at Mina and laid her head on the older woman's shoulder, "You're right, Minari. Momo-unnie is such a bad influence."

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