Chapter ten

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I'm feeling generous. Lol.

I groaned and rolled out of my bed. I looked at my clock. It was already 7 nobody bothered to wake me up. I groaned and went to take a shower.

The flashbacks of yesterday came in doves. Cole was insane. My brothers almost found out about the past. I almost got killed with cold. I wore my dark hoodie over jeans and canvas.i grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

Funny enough all the boys were downstairs having breakfast. Their conversation stopped once I walked in and they all stared at me.i looked down at my shoe as i made my way to my seat.

Jason handed me  plate of pancakes which I ate without much complaint because i didn't need their questions right now. Once we were done eating We headed to the cars. I sat at the back with Josh and Nolan while Leo drove.

"Hey are you okay? " Nolan asked.i nodded my head not really caring at this point whether verbal answers were necessary. I was the first out once we reached school. I made it to my locker quickly and took out my books. Someone leaned on the locker beside mine and I looked up to see Jack.

"Hey Eva,"he said pushing himself off the locker.

"Hi" i replied awkwardly.

"Do want to go to the movies tonight?" He asked. I laughed internally, I'll move to go to the movies and then sign a death warrant after that.

"I'm not really in for sneaking out tonight" I said to him turning to head to class. He followed me.

"Then ask your brothers if you could come" I stopped and faced him. Was he even thinking at all? My brothers hated him for some reason and I'm supposed to ask them if I can hang out with him.

"I love my life and I still have a long way to live"

"Just ask they may agree after all" I shrugged and murmured a whatever before entering my class.

"What's going on with you and Jack? " Mel asked me at lunch. I glared at her and continued eating my food. "Come On I Know Something up"

I dropped my fork and stared at her "how would you know something Is up?"

She rolled her eyes "he's been looking here for the past 10 minutes" i looked at him and sure enough he was looking at me.

"Guys Sydney alert" Peter whispered. We all turned to see the queen bee coming towards our table. She was wobbling on her heels and her caked face looked like something I could easily rip off. She stopped at our table and looked at me.

"Eva right?" I looked at her and went back to eating. If she knew my name why ask? "You answer me when I'm talking to you " she hissed pulling down my hoodie. I stood up to my full height and glared at her.

"Mind your business and run along" i growled. She laughed in my face.

"You always wear a hoodie and now i know why, to hide your ugly face"

"Yeah at least I don't bake my face every morning to hide the super ugliness" there was laughter around the cafeteria. Even my brothers were laughing.

"Watch your back or I'll deal with you" she cried. I rolled my eyes. If she couldn't take the pain of being insulted why did she show up at all.

"What're you gonna do? Go and whine to your daddy? She slapped me. I touched my cheek. She freaking slapped me. I gave her a blow to the face and she fell to the ground unconscious.

I got detention. It would have been a suspension if I started it first. Ashton was super mad at me for it but after he finished shouting he congratulated me for standing up for myself. He has terrible mood swings.

I knocked on Ashton's office door and waited for a reply. I heard a faint come in and I walked in. Leo and Nolan were in the room with him. I chose to behave like they didn't exist as I went to talk to Ashton.

"Yes, how can I help you Eva?" He asked looking up from his computer.

"A friend of mine asked me to the movies and I was wondering if you'll let me go" he studied me for a minute.

"Which friend? What's her name?" He already got the gender of the person wrong.

"Hisnameisjack" I said very quickly. Ashton raised an eyebrow at me and shook his head.

"Slower please"

"His name is Jack"

"What? She can't go out with that guy" Leo screamed at Ashton. Nolan looked pissed but Ashton kept a poker face much to my annoyance.

"Enough both of you"he yelled making me flinch. Nolan seemed to notice it but kept quiet."you can go with your friend but be back here at 8 sharp and if you suspect anything call one of us immediately and also you'll bring him over for dinner after the movie" bring Jack over for dinner. Leo looked angry and Nolan was just shocked.  I stood up slowly from my seat and walked out.

I quickly texted Jack to come pick me at 5. How I got his number, I don't even know.

I dressed up in a black crop hoodie over ripped jeans and black all stars. I grabbed my gun and put it in my waist band. I heard the honk of his horn and ran down the stairs. Nolan was waiting at the door.  He nodded at my outfit and handed me some money. I wanted to refuse it but he pushed me out of the door. I walked to Jack's car and got in. He had on a white vest with a black jacket over it and jeans.

"Hi" he started the car and we drove off to the movies in comfortable silence. We bought our tickets and some popcorn and drinks before heading into the theater.we took our seats and the movie started playing. Halfway through the movie I got a message. Cole.

Hope you enjoyed the movie cos it's about to end.

Jack looks handsome too, I have hope his face looks the same once I'm done.

I put off my phone and looked over at Jack. He Turned To Me When He Sensed My Staring.

"See we have to leave"

"What?" He looked so confused.

"Like right now" as I packed my things the lights went out. We were all enveloped in darkness. Nice Cole, very smart. There were screams all around the room.

Jack  placed his hand in mine and squeezed it.

"Bend down now" we both bent down just as gunshots flew over our heads. I pulled my gun out of my waist band and tugged on his shirt so he could follow me. We basically crawled out in the darkness. Lucky for us nobody was really in our row.

We made our way towards the entrance but i saw of the angels guarding the front. Shit.  We doubled back and took the back door. It was so difficult finding the way considering it was dark and I didn't dare put on my phone light. We made it out alright and made a dash for our car. Those at the front seemed to notice us because they started firing shots our way.  I couldn't shoot back because Jack was with me. We made it to the car with out a scratch but I had a feeling they were purposely avoiding shooting us.

Jack turned on the engine once we got in and headed out of the parking lot. I heard another gun shot and my Window shattered to pieces. He made it into the highway and we were safe far away from them. We sat in silence trying to figure what just happened.

"That was traumatic" Jack said. I gave him a small smile. "You didn't seem fazed at all, how did you know what to do at every point"

"My head hurts" I said changing the topic. How could I tell him that I once used to do those things. I was one of them and I already knew the outcome. We drove in silence after that. My phone dinged and I picked it up.

I wanted to leave some wounds but your lucky, trust me next time you won't be so lucky.

I sighed and put down my phone. Things just got worse. 

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