Chapter twenty-five

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The house was quiet and still. I could hear the howling of the wind outside and the rubbing of the leaves against my window. I sat up in my bed and looked around my dark room. I rolled out of my bed and reached under my bed for the bag that I kept there. It was a small black bag that held some basic essentials for my mission. A gun, a knife and some chloroform.  

I opened my door slowly and stepped into the quiet hallway. It was dark and gloomy. I walked quietly down the stairs until I got to the door. I put on my shoes quickly, opened the door and stepped out.

I ran into the dark night. I switched on my phone as I ran, looking at the location that Connor had sent to was a warehouse on the other side of town. I shoved my phone into my pocket and ran until I came to the building. It looked empty and deserted. 

I circled the perimeter of the building, looking through the windows but there was nothing much to see. The darkness was very dense. I headed back to the front and stopped when I saw movement. I crouched down watching the person come towards me. 

The person was a few meters away when I struck out. The person caught my hand and placed his hand over my mouth.

"Eva?" Jason asked looking me up and down. I removed my hand from his grip and adjusted my clothes.

"Jason, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"aren't you supposed to be at home? Sleeping?" he asked giving me a stern look. I smiled sheepishly just as Leo appeared by his side. Leo dropped the bag he held on to the floor and huffed.

"Who said she could come along?" he asked glaring at me.

I rolled my eyes "I'm trying to fix what I spoilt OK, cut me some slack" Leo grabbed the bag from the floor and entered the building.

"Come on" Jason said following right behind me. We walked into the building, we walked quietly until we came to the door, Connor told me about. I wondered how Leo knew the door though. They seemed to know exactly where they were going. 

Leo picked the lock and the door swung open, to reveal a set of stairs leading down. Leo went first, I in the middle and Jason at the rear. We walked down the stairs until we came to a narrow hallway that led into a large room. I could see Cole pacing the room. He looked agitated.

"i expected her to be here by now, she thinks she can surprise us, but we're prepared" Cole said to someone I believed was Calum.

"Find Nolan" Jason told Leo, gesturing to the other side of the hallway. Jason went down the hallway quietly and I followed also. We came to the narrow entrance. It was suspicious that there were no guards to guard the door unless...

"Welcome Eva, too you long enough" Cole said as a way of greeting. I stepped into the room, letting the light finally announce my presence. I looked towards Calum; he hadn't changed much from when I saw him last. The other members were seated around but Connor was missing.

"it's been long Cole, I though I'll never see you again" I replied with a dry smile.

He laughed "it's a pleasure then" I rolled my eyes at that.

"Have you come to redeem yourself?" Calum asked, always formal. I stared at him with an annoyed look.

"Redeem myself? From what? I didn't take your stupid symbol or burn the warehouse and you know it" I answered. He looked away for a moment and I could see that he was conflicted. "Since you don't want to tell the truth we have no choice but to kill you".

I heard Jason suck in a breath, but I wondered why he still stayed in the shadows. Connor walked in at that moment. He smiled at everybody then at me. "I have proof that Eva didn't do it" Eva watched Cole go white. 

Connor walked to the large TV and inserted a flash into it. A video began to play, one that showed the camera footage of that day. We all watched Cole pour the fuel round the building and set it on fire, he took out the symbol from his bag and dropped it in the blazing fire. Cole pulled out his gun and pointed it at me. I took a step back.

'Cole" Calum warned. No one made a move on him; Cole could shoot faster than a machine gun.

"quiet" Cole yelled "this is how you want it to end right? All those years of it being the both of us, this is where it has led to"

"Cole please" I said trying to wrap my head around what he was talking about.

"i had plans, great plans for the both of us, Calum got in the way but I'm willing to forgive and start over, we will leave quietly and create a world of our own" Cole was crazy. The way he laughed. The way he spoke. Was he planning on marrying me?

"No Cole" I replied. The sound of a gun shot rang through the air. I froze staring at everybody. Cole fell to the ground at that moment blood sipping out of his head but the n I looked down at myself. My hands were on my belly, where the bullet had gone through. 

Jason was behind me, groaning. I turned slowly, looking at the blood sipping from his chest. Cole had fired two shots, one hit Jason and the other me. I stared around the room, the faces of people becoming blurry. I saw Leo and Nolan. Was this what it felt like to die? I felt my body hit the ground. I was floating and then everything went black.

Thank you, guys, so much. This is the last and final chapter of this book. Thanks for your support, votes, reads and comments.

Check out my new book, Blood, Darkness and Roses. Ciao.

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