Chapter sixteen

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It's been a few days since the forest incident. I rolled out of my bed rather late since it was a weekend. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where I heard  hushed voices talking. I stood outside the door eavesdropping but I could basically hear nothing of what they said. Then I walked into the kitchen like any normal person would. They all turned to me and stopped talking.

"Good morning to you too" I said to them when nobody said anything. I took my seat at the table and noticed that everybody was still staring at me weirdly. "Is something wrong?"

They all turned to stare at Ashton waiting for him to say something. He sighed and looked at me.

"We just got news from Darkwood" my eyes opened wide. I just hoped it wasn't the Darkwood angels or Cole himself.
"Your mother is alive and she wants to see you"

I stared at them as the entire room verged into silence. I could tell my silence was eating them up but then I laughed. I wasn't surprised. Sheila was full of surprises. She's been proclaimed dead like 3 times already so it doesn't shock me.

"Why are you laughing?" Josh asked all their faces contorted in confusion.

I chuckled "I'm not surprised, she never dies, once proclaimed dead she always comes back no matter what" I laughed again "she's almost immortal"

Ashton raised an eyebrow "will you like to see her?" He asked in a voice that betrayed no emotion. I gave him a pointed look.

"Of course I'll like to see her" I said sarcasm dripping from my mouth but Ashton didn't seem to get it cause he told me to a be ready in 30 minutes and pack for 2 days. I walked up the stairs many thoughts running through my head. Why did she come back now? What if she fights for custody? What if he comes back? I pushed the thoughts behind my back and packed a small bag. I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs. Ashton was already ready to go.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked the rest of the boys.

"We can't, we have some business to do" Leo answered for them all. Ashton came down the stairs and announced our departure. We got into the car and started the drive to Darkwood. My home of doom.

The drive to Darkwood took about 2 hours drive. I felt nervous once the familiar streets of Darkwood came in view. I caught sight of some of my old friends as they walked past staring at the car mostly not us.i was kinda scared the car  may be stolen before we leave.

"So where are we gonna stay?" Darkwood didn't have any hotels and the motels were more of strip clubs than motels.

"I was hoping we could stay at your house" my eyes opened wide. He wasn't seriously considering that. "Eva?" I looked at him not knowing what to say.

"Yeah, awesome" I replied not very enthusiastic it. I gave him the direction of the place and we drove to the shit hole I once called home. He packed the car and got out staring intently at the building in front of him. It was still standing but looked more dilapidated and desolate than before.

I walked up the broken porch and opened the door since it was never locked. The air was thick and dry. I felt like I was suffocating. We walked passed the dark kitchen to the living room. Everything was just as it always was. Torn sofas, broken glass, bloody walls and floors and holes in the wall from a knife. It brought back memories I'll rather forget.

"I'm sorry" Ashton said from behind me. I turned to face him having almost forgotten he was there. He had guilt and anger dancing in his usually emotional eyes.

"It won't change anything" I muttered hoping he didn't hear me. I dropped my bag with a thud beside the closet and stood staring around the room. "Maybe we should head to the hospital and then we can settle down later, good?" He stared at me before heading out of the door.

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