Chapter twenty one

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The house was quiet, it had been for the past week. Heavy tension hung in the air as everyone went about their business but more diligently than usual. Ashton hardly came home and he was only there during dinner if we were lucky. Nolan and Josh were practically themselves but Jason and Leo moved around the house like someone did something to them.

I sucked in all my thoughts as I at at the window of my room. There was a light drizzle outside but nothing serious as the sun was still shining. I stared down my blank phone screen, I hadn't received any message most especially form Cole and that worried me the most. They'd gone silent and that was enough to get me on my toes. I jumped a little when I heard thud from the room across the hall. It was probably Leo because he was forced to stay and babysit me. He wasn't very keen about it so I decided to keep out of his hair in order to live long enough to see the next day.

I was extremely bored having sat at the window since morning, I found myself getting up from the window seat and strutting to Leo's room. Hopefully, he didn't send me away. Leo's room was a mess, boxes littered the entire room, trash, clothes and empty food packets decorated the floor. I took all this in before my eyes landed on his hunched figure. He seemed to notice me and soon his icy blue eyes were narrowed at me. I gulped.

"aren't you supposed to be resting?" he asked, sitting up straighter.

I shrugged "I got bored of resting" I replied. He rolled his eyes and turned back to his work. I took that as my cue to leave, I turned and headed for the door. "you can stay" Leo said "if you want.." I turned to look at him surprised that he allowed me to stay. I walked back into the room and sat cross legged on his huge bed. It was very comfortable almost more comfortable than mine.

"what are you doing?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"sorting shit out, Ashton made me do it" he replied in murmurs with loads of curses at the end. I smiled but I made sure he didn't see. I looked down at the box sitting right beside the bed. It wasn't taped yet so I could easily move the flap out of the way. I pushed the flap and stared at the picture at the top. It was a picture of a man, dressed in a navy blue suit holding a baby in his arms.

"that's dad and you" Leo said from above me. I shivered at his closeness, having not noticed when he came to stand beside me. Leo took the picture from my hand and stared at it with no emotion. "he was the proudest dad when he held you in his arms, he wouldn't stop going around and showing you to everyone". I felt like I was invading Leo's private thoughts, I wasn't there but I was.

"what happened to him?" I murmured. Leo looked down at me and dropped the picture into the box. I thought he wasn't going to answer. No one really told me what exactly happened to him.

"he's not here anymore" Leo replied, drawing a long piece of tape and covering the box.

" i'm sorry" I said to him. He rolled his eyes. Leo was back.

"go to sleep" he told me and turned to his work like I wasn't there in the first place. I rolled of his bed and walked to my room. The atmosphere suddenly felt hot and sticky, I walked into my room and pulled off my shirt. I was in nothing but a sports bra. I turned on my air conditioner, stood with my back to it and closed my eyes. I loved the coldness that radiated through my body.

"what the hell?" I heard Leo yell from the doorway. My eyes flung open. I started to apologize when he spoke again 'Why the hell do you have a tattoo?". I froze, my head went numb at that point. I was so stupid to have forgotten. Before I could stop him, Leo had grabbed my arm and was examining the tattoo carefully. "Darkwood angels, Eva don't tell me your one of them?" I gulped not finding an excuse in my head. "so you are one of them?" I shook my head. "what do you mean no? You have their fat ass tattoo stuck to your arm" he yelled at me. How did he even know who they were?

I flinched "it was a mistake, I swear"

Leo sat on my bed with a huff "tell me everything now and I don't want one single lie or I'm calling Ashton" so I told him everything even to the fact that all of us were fucked if they got their hands on us.

"I think we should tell Ashton" Leo stated.

"no, you promised you won't call if I told the truth" I reminded him.

"yeah, until I realized we're all dead, he needs to call more security" Leo retorted. I sighed.

"maybe not now, they haven't called since so I'll tell him when I'm ready" Leo grumbled but agreed nontheless.

"if they call one more time, I'll tell him myself" he threatened before storming out of my room. Oh damn. I was in big big trouble.

The house was silent, until the others came home and unfortunately we had to have dinner together. I didn't really trust Leo and the last thing I wanted for him to do was snitch on me. I sat in between Nolan and Josh and opposite Leo. Leo sent me glares all throughout dinner, he stared so hard at my arm that I thought his glare was going to burn my clothes and show everyone the ink.

"did something happen when we were not home?" Ashton asked so casually but there was a stern tone to his voice. Leo was looking at me waiting for me to talk. "yes, Eva?"

"um..I..I have a boyfriend" the entire room went silent.

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