Chapter twelve

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"So Cole sent you anonymous  messages?" Spencer asked for the 10th time today. I threw my pillow at his head and rolled my eyes.

"They aren't exactly anonymous because i know it was him" I replied Stretching out on my bed. My brothers let Spencer come over since we haven't seen each other for like 6 years but of course with the same rules of the door must be left open, stay 6 meters away from each other and also because I'm grounded.

"So are you gonna tell the others?" I looked at him like he was crazy. The more people knew about this, the more dangerous it becomes and the more victims they have.

I groaned and put my hand in my head "I'm not going to tell, let's just keep it to ourselves for now and wait for things to get better" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Wait until someone is dead, you mean" this was getting more difficult by the day. I honestly had no clue what to do right now. Leo walked into the room looking down at his phone. We stared at him and then he looked up.

"We're going out, we have work to do" he said.

"Um..since when did you work?" I asked.  He glared at me.

"I work simple,  don't step a foot out of this house and Spencer watch her" he warned before turning and leaving. Did my brother just tell Spencer to watch me? What happened to 6 meters apart? I heard their car drive off and we were alone, well except for household staff.

I grinned at Spencer "so you wanna have a party" he looked at me with a look that said 'seriously'. I shrugged.

"I think it's safe we stay here for now" we got some snacks and decided to have a movie night.we were halfway through tangled when my phone dinged. I picked it up and tensed. Cole.

Hope you enjoyed the movie cos it's about to end. I rolled my eyes at this. Old joke.

Come up with something new

I could almost bet that he was smirking saying that.

Fine, never knew Melody was pretty. I sat up quickly and started to type profusely.

Where is Melody?  I asked as my breathing hitched. This can't be happening. How did he get Melody? But what if he was lying?

she's fine just roughed up a bit but you'll see her soon.

I called Xavier because he was supposed to hang out with Melody today. He picked up after a few rings.

"is Melody there? " I asked trying to sound calm so he won't grow suspicious.

"Nah she left like 2 hour ago, she said she had to meet someone at Macdonald" I muttered a thanks and cut the call immediately. Spencer pulled me into a hug and whispered encouraging words into my ear.

I heard the door bell ring and ran to get it before any of the household staff could. My heart dropped when I saw the gift on the porch.

It was a bleeding Melody with various cuts around her body. Her hair was torn in many places like someone deliberately plucked it out. She had burst lips and her eyes were red and blood shot. I was too shocked to actually move and pick her up. I felt myself being pushed aside and Spencer picked her up before taking her into the house.

I finally moved and followed him to the living room where he'd laid her in the couch. He went in search of a first aid box while I just sat on the floor staring at her. He came back with a big white box and started to clean the wounds earning low groans from Melody who was slowly waking up.

"Get a glass of water" he instructed me as he helped her seat up. I quickly went to the kitchen and filled a glass with water. I took it back to him and he placed it to Melody's mouth. She drank the water In between pants and laid back down.

I looked at Spencer, a mixture of fear, anger and disappointment on his face. Why won't he be mad? This is all my fault. Melody is in a critical condition because of me.

"Let's take off her jacket" He suggested dispelling the silence that enveloped the room. I made an grab for the edges of her jacket and peeled it off from her body slowly.  I gasped at what saw. Written on her skin with black ink was a message from the Darkwood angels.

30 days, Eva. The dark woods.

"What are we going to do?" he questioned me anger evident in his voice. I was totally clueless. I knew there was no need starting to cry or panic. All I needed was more time. 30 freaking days was not enough to find their stupid stick. It could be anywhere even back in dark wood.

I turned my attention back to Spencer who was now kneeling in front of Melody using a wet rag and some soap to clean the words off her hand. I watched as the words slowly left her hand. Spencer dropped the wet rag into the bowl and sighed.  Melody was unconscious again.

"I'm sorry" I murmured. He looked up at me and gave an encouraging smile. "Everything will be okay"

"What the hell?" Somebody yelled. I turned swiftly to face the door where all my brothers were standing staring at Melody. I totally forgot about them and if I'd remembered I'd have taken her home since.

Ashton moved towards us in long strides, he knelt beside Melody and checked for a pulse. He nodded while muttering words to himself.

"Who cleaned the wounds?" He asked turning to face us. I pointed at Spencer.

"Good work, Jason take her to the clinic and after that she can go home, make sure she's well taken care of" Jason nodded and picked her up and He walked out.

Ashton cocked his eyebrow "how'd that happen?"

I fell silent not trusting myself to speak. He gave a low growl and soon I felt his hands under my chin lifting it slightly so I can meet his icy blue eyes.

"How'd that happen?" He repeated.

"I don't know" i replied "i found her on our porch" he let go of me and looked over  at Spencer who nodded slightly.

"Go to your room and thank you for watching her Spencer" Spencer tipped an imaginary cap before walking out. I headed to my room, every step seemed heavier than the last one. I was glad I got to my room without collapsing or anything. It felt good to be in my bed but Melody's face kept flashing in my head. I knew I was doomed.

I have only 30 days.

Ashton p.o.v

I sat at my table staring at the file in front of me. Every thing I needed to know about my sister was just right under my fingers. I opened the file slowly.

Eva Black

16 years

Blue eyes and blonde hair

Born to Mr.Callan and Mrs Sheila Black on the 13 of January.

Attended Dark wood elementary and high school.

Records of drug possession, fighting, smoking and nuisance making.

2 months juvenile term twice and almost got into jail once.

Possible acquaintances: Sheila Black, Cole Saunders,  Calum and Lila Hillman.

Possible associations: Dark wood book club, Dark wood football team and Dark wood angels.

Note: there may be reason to believe she was abuse by parent. I stared at the file not really surprised,  the last bit surprised me a little though. I never knew Sheila would stoop so low. But she looked perfectly fine,  no nightmares,  no panic attacks , except for the day she thought I'll hit her. I looked through her acquaintances and associations.  There were some names that seemed to ring warning bells in my ear. Not that I've seen them before but they just keep coming to my mind so I circled the names in red ink.

Cole Saunders and Dark wood angels.

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