Chapter seven

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Warning: bullying in this chapter.

"If it isn't Eva Black" the voice of my bully rang through my ear. 10 year old me whimpered quietly. I stepped back until my bag hit a locker.  I was stuck.

"It's fun to see you scared knowing your best friend Spencer is not here to help" true Spencer wasn't in school today leaving only me to protect myself. He grabbed my shoulder and slammed me into the locker. I groaned in pain before falling to the ground.  I received a kick in my stomach twice and then another blow to my head.

I covered my head waiting for another blow but it never came, instead I saw a boy towering over the bully who was on the floor gritting in pain.

"Don't you touch her again" he growled. The bully nodded and looked over at me.

"So you're one of them" he whispered before running off. The boy sighed and turned to me.

"I'm so sorry about that, are you okay? " he asked kneeling in front of me. I shook my head slowly because my back hurt like hell and I had a graze on my arm. He helped me stand up before leading me out of the school building. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we started down the road.

As we passed my house, I saw Sheila's car meaning she was home and I was supposed to be home an hour ago. Going home now was just a waste of my time and It will invite a good beating so I decided to just go with the guy.

"I'm Cole by the way" he said suddenly. I looked up at him.

"Eva Black" I replied.

"Sheila's daughter huh?" I shook my head.

"She's not my mum" most people around Dark wood didn't have parents and most of them are orphanage runaways so when a person had one it was big news.

He just mouthed an oh in understanding as we turned to a dilapidated building. We walked through the door and went down the hall until we reached a door. Cole knocked on it in a special way and the door was opened by a blonde girl with hazel eyes.

"Who's this?" She asked waving her hand around my body for emphasis.

"Friend of mine, Eva, Eva this is Mary Ann" she brought out her hand and I shook it. She looked my age though. Cole took me to the bathroom and cleaned my wounds before bandaging them.
When he rolled up his sleeves, my eyes ran along all the ink on his body. Different words, quotes and inscriptions that could mean anything.

"You like these" he asked flexing his small muscles and showing me more of the ink on his skin. I nodded eagerly earning a chuckle from him.

"Want one?" He asked and I nodded again. Only if I knew. "OK,  let me just talk to my superior quickly" he left me in the bathroom and went out. After a few minutes, he can back with another boy. Calum. Leader of the Dark Wood Angels. He looked at me with a surprised face.

"She's young" was all he said. Cole whispered something to him and though he seemed hesitant he nodded.

"We're the Dark Wood Angels, you want one of those, you have to join us" I gasped. They were the most famous gang in the entire area. Nobody dared to cross their path and if you did, it always ended in blood.

"Yes, I'll like to join you" I said without thinking. All I wanted was peace even if temporaryThe knowledge that people will be too scared to try shit with me. That I won't be scared of Sheila anymore or HIM.

"Think about it"

I walked to where Spencer sat, staring into space. He had on a sour face and looked like he was deep in thought. I took my seat beside him and stared at his face. We sat in comfortable silence until I broke it.

"I decided to join them" he turned to face me with a raised eyebrow. " Cole" his eyes turned dark and he had an angry face.

"Don't tell me you're joining the dark wood angels Eva" he almost yelled. I sighed. I thought of not telling him but he was my best friend who knew my deepest darkest secrets.

"I haven't joined yet but it's all for the better" I insisted. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He was holding back something and I knew it was bad news.

"I'm moving" he finally dropped the bombshell.  My heart sank. I couldn't believe it. "You could come with me, mum is willing to take you along" tears pricked my eyes and threatened to fall. He was going after so many years. Spence pulled me into a hug and melted into his embrace. We slowly parted from the embrace and that was it. He left and I joined them.

Cole was happy I did. Too happy, that it actually made suspicious.  I couldn't kill the thought, the nagging feeling I felt ever time he looked my way.

Cole liked me.

This book has 1k reads already thanks a lot guys. I'm so happy.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Check out my book on Web novel.  The billionaires daughter. Please comment. Thanks.

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