Chapter twenty

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I woke up to a strong beeping sound. I stared around the room, it was white from top to bottom with pale blue curtains hanging in front of the window. I lay on the big bed that sat at one part of it. I looked down at the machine that emitted the beeping sound, the iv was stuck in my right arm and so i couldn't move it. There was a bandage round the arm where i was shot but nothing else was different. I still had my clothes on from the incident. 

I remembered my tattoo and my eyes snapped to where it sat on my left arm, it was obvious that at least they hadn't seen it. I looked up to the door once it opened . Nolan walked in and froze like a deer caught in a headlight when he saw mw. He held a big bag of Macdonalds and Starbucks.

"you're awake" he stated slowly. He dropped the bags on the table and came towards me. "how are you? should I get the nurse?. I shook my head slowly not trusting my voice. "are you hungry? i nodded. "i'll have to get the nurse and ask what you can eat" just then Leo and Josh came in trailing behind them were Melody and Peter.

"oh my goodness, she's awake" Melissa yelled running towards me "we were so worried when you went missing, your brothers said you got caught in a mob". I stared at her blankly unable to comprehend what she was saying, but then i saw my brothers gesturing behind her for me to agree. I nodded slowly.

"we missed you so much, especially that boyfriend of yours, he was a pain" Peter came forward and pushed his sister away. "you're going to kill her with questions, she's fine can't you see" Mel rolled her eyes and smiled at me.

The door opened and Ashton walked in with Jason. They were both speaking in low tones and frowned when they saw Peter and Mel.

"i think you should leave" Ashton said to them. They both looked between both Ashton and i. Peter was the first to stand up and he pulled Melody who hesitated. "My driver will take you both home"

"bye Eva, we'll be back when you're annoying brothers  aren't here" Melody called as they exited. Jason shut the door after them. Ashton looked at me slowly before speaking.

"how do you feel?" he asked me.

"good" i muttered slowly.

"you seem in good shape, for what has happened, the doctor said you'll soon be discharged" he said. I nodded slowly. We all stayed in silence waiting for someone to answer the unanswered question.

"what happened to him?"I asked. Leo glared at me for asking the question.

"he's dead Eva, he got shot" dammit. that was harsh.

"and Marie?"

"she's in Puerto Rico" he answered softly.

"oh, she didn't wait for me to wake up"I asked.

"that was a week ago" Josh stated. "you've been in coma for a week"

i stared at him shocked. A whole week of my life missed.

Ashton looked at me for a moment like he was deciding whether to say something or not. He gestured to for Jason to come and whispered to him. He brought out his phone and came towards  me. Taking  seat at the edge of my bed, he raised the phone to my face and showed me a picture.

"who is this Eva?" I stared at the picture, the image almost becoming blurry  but then it became extremely sharp. All my mind could register was the crazy beeping of the heart monitor.

Cole and Connor stood together, smiling sheepishly at the camera, that i had before me because I was taking the picture but that picture didn't exist anymore, it was at the bottom of the black hill river.


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