Chapter fourteen

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My eyes flung open at the sound of my alarm clock ringing. I forgot to change the time because today was Saturday and nobody wakes up early on a Saturday. I heard a groan and looked beside me. Lisa was passed out on my bed and looked like she was in pain.

I found them all wasted last night when I returned to my room. Damon's brother had to come take the boys home without Ashton knowing of course.

"Damn,head hurts" Lisa complained sitting up on the bed. I chuckled lightly. Consequences of to much alcohol.i went down the stairs to get some advil and water for her. I couldn't find the advil anywhere and the house was dead quiet because the others were sleeping away their hangovers. Ashton would be awake by now since he's the only early riser.

I made my way to his office, the door was slightly opened but  of courtesy I knocked and got no reply. I knocked again and got no reply so i walked in. The office was empty, I walked nearer to his table and a file caught my attention, it had my name on it.
I Flipped through it anger burning inside me. How dare they look into my past? What is wrong with these people? My heart almost stopped when I saw Cole and the Dark wood Angels circled in red. Did Ashton have an idea of what I was before I came here?

"Looking for someone? " a voice seeming to be Ashton said. I Turned To Him Swiftly.

"WHAT IS THIS?" I threw the file at him and his eyes widened. "WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO GO INTO MY PAST?" he looked like a ghost and was very pale. This is new.

"We just wanted to be sure you're okay" he replied stepping closer.i stepped backwards.

"I'm fine Ashton but now I don't trust you" I stormed out of the Office making sure to bumped into his shoulder as i made my way out. I walked to the kitchen where a groggy Leo and Nolan sat. Josh was nowhere to be seen.

They both raised an eyebrow at me when I stomped in but I just ignored them. Luckily they'd brought out the bottle of pills so I took some for Lisa with a glass of water. I walked past Jason on the stairs. He gave me a guilty smile meaning he heard our argument.   Well good for him cause I don't give one effin.

I walked into my room and handed Lisa the pills. She took them gratefully and we settled down for some movies with our remaining snacks from last night. 

"I have to go, my mum will be worried by now" Lisa said after we did a Disney movie marathon. I nodded and let her downstairs. Unfortunately,  all  my brothers were also downstairs having lunch so it was impossible to avoid them. Lisa waved at them drawing more attention to us. I rolled my eyes and shut the door.

I headed up the stairs again. "Lunch Eva" Jason yelled. I groaned and went into the kitchen. I took my seat and ate my food in silence.

"Eva...." Ashton started to say but I cut him off.

"Don't bother" I left the room and went upstairs. Grabbing my phone and bag made my way downstairs again. I just walked out of the front door.

I walked to the park silently praying that none of the angels were near me. I sent a quick text to Jack asking him to meet me at the park. He replied that he would be there in 10 minutes.

I pushed myself slowly on the swing. Somehow i hated coming here, I honestly wouldn't have but fate had it that i had to be here. Urgh.  This is so annoying.
Now Ashton might have an idea about the Dark wood angels. I just hoped he did not figure anything cause the more people know the more victims we'll have.

"Eva" a voice called pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked up to Jack in a dark hoodie that covered most of his face. "You okay?"

"Yeah" I mumbled. He nodded and sat beside me. We sat in silence watching the cars pass by.
"So..what happened to your face?" I asked. He looked shocked that i had noticed his bruised face.

"Nothing?" he more of asked than answered.

"Street fighting huh?" I could hear his gulp. I pointed to his bandaged covered knuckles that also had patches of blood on them. We always did that when I went to street fight.


"How long?"

"Since I was 10 but nobody knows except my brother" I nodded. We talked about random things like school, family and other stuff.

I was the first to feel the rain drops on my skin. I looked at Jack and he noticed too. He grabbed hand and pulled me to his car. Once we got in the rain came down heavier.

"Should I drop you off at home? " he asked and I shook my head.i wasn't going home today, I was planning on just going to Lisa to stay over. "How about I take you to my house? You can stay the night there" after much persuasion I agreed. We drove to his house. It was a bit smaller than ours but still in the frame of being a mansion.

We both ran to the door and he fumbled for his Keys before finally opening the door. We both went in and he shut the door. I heard music playing from somewhere and Jack seemed to lead me to it. We came into the kitchen where a boy about Ashton's age was dancing around the kitchen putting ingredients into a mixing bowl and singing at the top of his lungs. He hadn't noticed us because his eyes were closed but then he opened it. He stared at the both of us and we stared back.

"Hope you liked my concert" he said grinning. Jack snorted. "Anyways, I'm Jared, his elder brother and the freshest in this house" Jack rolled his eyes.

"Eva Black,  nice to meet you"

"She's staying over for the night" Jack announced. Jared raised an eyebrow but I shrugged it off.

"You better change out of your wet clothes, she can sleep in your bed tonight" Jack smiled "and Jack on the couch" he groaned and led me upstairs to his room.

It was big just like any typical boys room.

"I'll go get some extra clothes for you, why don't you have a shower?" He left the room and I walked into his bathroom. It was clean.

I peeled of my wet clothes and placed them in the sink before entering the bathtub. I took a warm bath and grabbed the towel off the rack. Tying it around my chest, as I was about to open the door it opened and Jack came in. I screamed as my towel almost fell off my body. He blushed deeply.

"Sorry, just wanted to give you these, they are new though" he dropped the pajamas and walked out. I put them on quickly and grabbed my wet clothes. Jack was seated on the bed still blushing.

"Hey, can I wash these?" I asked him. He nodded and explained to me where the laundry room was while he went to take a shower.

I walked down to the laundry room and put the clothes to wash. After washing them and drying them. I took then out. Once I stepped out of the Laundry room I bumped into somebody.

"I'm so sorry, I did not see you" a female voice said. I looked up at a blonde girl with blue eyes. She looked about 13 years. She stared at me and I stared back.

"My sister Ivonne, " Jack said standing beside me. "Ivonne this is Eva"

"Are you guys together?" She asked her eyes open wide.

"No" we said in unism.  She smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Sure your not" she walked away leaving us standing there.

"Dinner?" We both walked to the kitchen for dinner before retiring to the room. I laid on the bed staring at the ceiling while he sat on the couch watching me.

"So, you want to tell me why you ran away from home? "

I sighed "I don't wanna talk about it?"

"if you wanna talk I'm here" I nodded and muttered a thank you. We stayed in comfortable silence.

"if your brothers find out your here to what will they do?"

i laughed humorlessly "we'll probably be dead by now" we fell into silence again and slowly I felt myself drifting off to the land of sleep.

I just finished my tests meaning more updates.

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