Chapter eleven

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We both sat for a while in the car before we dared to go out and meet the others for dinner. I turned to Jack and he looked nervous.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine they aren't all that scary when you get to know them and two, don't mention what happened at the movies please" he gave me a curt nod and we headed out of the car. Before I could knock the door was opened by Leo.  He pushed me away from Jack because we were standing close to each other.

I rolled my eyes "Jack this is Leo, Leo Jack"

"I think we know ourselves" Leo growled glaring at Jack. Jack looked unfazed by his behavior.

"Who's there?" A voice asked which I assumed was Ashton. He came forward with Nolan, Josh and  Jason behind him.

"Ashton Black" he said shaking Jack's hand.

"Jack Avery,  sir" I snorted. Did he just call Ashton sir? Since when did he become respectful.
Nolan, Josh and Jason introduced themselves.

" I trust you had an eventful night" he said looking Jack in the eye.

"Yeah, eventful" I quickly cut in.

"Not too eventful I hope" Leo said annoyance dripping from his lips. Ashton raised his hand for him to shut up while I rolled my eyes. I grabbed Jack's hand.

"Let me show you around the house,  Jacky" Jack laughed at my attempt to rile my brothers. Leo who was always the angry one reacted first, he broke our intertwined hands and dragged me off.

"Change of plans Bambina,  we're having dinner now" he made me seat at the table beside him opposite Nolan. Jack was in the other side of the table near Ashton and beside Jason and Josh. Wow. Nice arrangement Leo.

We started to eat in silence.  It was pasta and it was good.

"So Jack" Leo started to talk. I rolled my eyes but I got a kick from Nolan under the table "how old are you? "

Jack looked surprised but answered "17" Leo murmured something under his breathe.

"You're friends with my little sister, are you? " Ashton asked. Jack looked at me for help.  He was in his own in this one and I was curious to know his answer.

"Yes sir" Ashton cringed at the word sir while Jason tried to hide his laughter by stuffing his face with more pasta.

"I prefer you leave out the sir, and you're nothing more than just friends?"

"Actually,  we are nothing more than just friends" I cut in. Leo put his hand over my mouth and asked Jack to answer the question. I licked his hand and he took it off my mouth after muttering 'ew' and 'your disgusting' so many times.

"I have nothing against your friendship,  if is just plain frienship" Ashton announced making Leo almost choke. I giggled lowly. We finished eating and Jack left.

I went up to my room and changed into my pajamas. God. I needed sleep.  My phone dinged. I sighed. I just hope it is not Cole. It wasn't, it was a news headline.

"SHOOT OUT AT LOCKHART CINEMA" I froze. What if they read the news?

Leo p.o.v

I sighed once I shut the door in Jack's face. How the hell did Eva talk Ashton into allowing her to be friends with that piece of trash. That guy has a bad reputation and some people say he is even in a gang.

I walked back to the kitchen in annoyance. Ashton was talking with Jason but Nolan and Josh were already off to God knows where.

"i think he's cool " Jason said. I glared at him.

"Yeah until he does something to our little sister, I'm disappointed Ashton" a dark cloud came over Ashton face.

"We will not talk about this again" he said standing up to leave.

"We will talk about it Ashton" I yelled.

"This is the end of this conversation. Period"  he yelled back before storming out of the room.

I clenched my fist and went to the sitting room. I needed to calm my nerves so i turned on the TV. They were doing some commercials so I just went on my phone waiting for it to end but then breaking news came on. I groaned and kept using my phone.

"SHOOT OUT AT LOCKHART CINEMA" my head snapped to the TV. Sure enough,  that was the cinema Eva was at this  night with Jack.  A video came on and I saw two people crouching. I recognize that hoodie anywhere. That was Eva. My little sister.   

I took a quick picture and ran to tell Ashton. He looked mad when I barged into his office without knocking. I showed him the pictures.

"She didn't tell us, why? He growled clenching his fist. Why was he asking me when she was right up the stairs?. We headed up the stairs and found her seated on her bed staring at the news headlines. She looked up once  we came in.

"What was my last instruction before you left? " Ashton asked pacing the room.

She gulped "to call you if anything happened"

"Yes, so why didn't you call us? " he asked with a raised eyebrow.

She wanted to answer but she closed her mouth. I could see she was In the valley of indecision. She was hiding something. Though we knew much of the story from the news, there was just a part of the puzzle that only she had and I don't think she was planning on giving it out anytime soon.

New chapter is out. Thanks for reading this book.

You guys should Pls check out my other book on webnovel.'s-daughter_19952710405008505.

The billionaires daughter.

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