Chapter four

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I slammed my hand on the alarm clock and rolled off my bed.  My first day at Lockhart high school. I took  a quick shower and chose my signature clothing of black.

I don't really care about first impression, people can think whatever they want. 

I grabbed my bags and supplies before going downstairs.  It was quiet because the others weren't up yet.  I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and got water from the tap before gulping it down.

"You're up early" I heard a voice say making me almost drop the glass but I was able to grip it tighter. I looked up at Ashton in his suit.does he sleep in those?

"It's a habit" I replied with a shrug while dropping the cup in the sink. He hummed a response before walking over to the coffee machine and making himself a cup of coffee. He drank the coffee in silence while glancing between his phone and me. The air was tense so I was glad when the others came down.

Leo is a maniac. The fact that we arrived in school alive is just grace considering this guy drove like he was the only person on the road and almost rammed into seven different light poles.
I was so dazed that I didn't know when we reached school until Nolan called me out.

As I got out I could feel the hush on the students. This only means my brothers are famous and I can't hide in the shadows anymore.
Nolan  placed his hand over my shoulder and pulled me into his side. Leo and Josh had gotten lost by now but Nolan helped me get my schedule and locker number.

I noticed most of the students made way for us as we passed them. Some girls cast jealous glances while with the boys fear and fascination was evident.

"Here's your locker, if you need anything call one of us and if anyone harasses you tell us" I nodded.


"Yeah bro" he chuckled and walked away. I grabbed the books I had for my first class being English with Mrs Dunlop. I walked to the class slowly then I bumped into someone making all my books fall down.

I groaned and bent to pick them up and the person also bent to help pick them.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you" he said. My head shot up and I stared at the boy who stared back.

"Spence" I asked. He looked at me shocked.

"Eva? Oh my goodness" he engulfed me into a hug. It felt good to be in the arms of my best friend after 6 years of not seeing him

The Bell rang.

He walked me off to class since he had another class.  I walked into my English class and took the seat at the back. Once the warning bell rang there was an in flush of students. There was a group of gals and guys that made their way to me.

"Hey , you're new right? " I nodded my head and they took their seats. There were 4 them, 2 girls and 3 boys.

"I'm Melody but most people call me Mel" she had long blonde hair, with grey eyes and freckles on her  cheeks.

"I'm Elisa,  call me Lis or Lisa" she had chocolate brown skin with black hair and light brown eyes.

"Peter, Melodys twin" he had brown hair like Melody and the same Grey eyes.

"Damon"  he had dirty blonde hair with blue eyes.

"And I'm Xavier" he had natural blonde with green eyes.

"I'm Eva" I replied to all of them. They hummed responses.

"I love your dress code, it fits your tone" Mel said making her brother roll is eyes.

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