Chapter fifteen

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I woke up to the faint snores of somebody, slowly turning I faced Jack's sleeping face. My eyes trailed down his well structures face to his eyelashes and plump lips.

"Take a picture it lasts longer he said almost making me scream. He was awake  and saw me checking him out. I rolled out of the bed and he stood up. My phone started to ring, Jack threw it to me and I looked at the caller. Leo. I declined it and threw it on the bed.

"Who was that? "

"Leo" I replied shortly. He didn't ask anymore questions. I walked to the dresser to grab the clothes I washed yesterday. As I turned, I bumped into Jack. Our faces were so close I could feel his breathe on me.

"Your blocking me, Black" he murmured as his eyes landed in my lips. I quickly slid away and escaped into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at my blushing face. What happened to cold emotionless Eva Black? Jack was changing me slowly. I heard a knock on the door.

"Eva...I need to use the bathroom urgently" Jack called out. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. He was jumping from one foot to another. Over dramatic. He rushed passed me and shut the door. I sat on the bed and grabbed my phone. 43 missed calls from Nolan, 23 from Leo, 40 from Jason, 24 from Josh and  2 from Ashton. I'm not surprised at the last one. I also had text messages which were threats at first and then pleadings. I locked my phone and threw it away.

"You Can go in now" Jack announced startling me. I looked up at him soaking wet from his shower with a loose towel around his waist. I stared at his toned body and abed stomach. He reminded me of Cole.

I walked into the bathroom and took my shower. I wore the clothes, I wore yesterday. I forgot to wear a hoodie though my shirt was a long sleeve and now I have none. Jack was already ready in a blue top and jeans with his jacket slung over his shoulder. He took one look at me before throwing me a hoodie. I mouthed a thank you and wore it over my shirt. I grabbed my bag and phone before heading downstairs to where a grumpy Ivonne sat stuffing her face with pancakes.

"Good morning, you two" Jared said earning a grunt from Jack and a good morning from me. I took a seat and Jack sat beside me.

"Ivonne go and get ready, I'm not going late because of you again" she rolled her eyes and walked out. Jared put a pancake in front of me.

" thanks I'm not hungry" Jared raised an eyebrow "you hardly ate your dinner last night"

"I know but....." Jack cut me off by stuffing some pancake into my mouth.

"Chew" he ordered. I glared at him and ate it anyway. One pancake later we left for school, halfway there I realized I left my school bag at home. I face palmed mentally at my stupidity.

We got to school and I got out of the car not oblivious to all the stares that I got from people but who cares actually. I walked into the school and was tackled in a hug by Melody and Lisa while the boys just stood aside.

"The party was awesome" Melody squealed. "Thanks so much for making us come"

"And sorry for passing out on your floor" Damon added.

"So..what's with you and Jack?" Lisa asked wriggling her eyebrows. Good question what's with us?

"I don't know" i replied honestly. Lisa still looked expectant but then the bell rang and we had to head to class. When I walked into my first class I remembered I had it with 2 of my brothers. Great! Just great and sure enough they were all seating together in the exact spot where I would normally seat leaving me to seat beside Leo and in front of Nolan. They stared at me as I walked in but then my eyes landed on the extra seat beside Jack. I gulped and slowly made my way there. I sat beside him and slumped in my seat. Leo turned around and glared at me. I just stared straight.

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