Chapter twenty two

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I paced my room quickly, my boot clad feet making loud noises as it hit the the floor. I stared at my phone waiting for the idiot i was calling to pick up my call. For some reason Jack refused to answer my call. I groaned and fell on my bed in annoyance. The thoughts of a few hours ago were fresh in my head. The total silence that had enveloped the room when I gave the shocking news. The look of anger on Leo's face after I told the lie. I jumped when my phone finally rang. I picked the call immediately.

"took you long enough" I said. He chuckled lightly.

"to what do I owe this pleasure?" he asked, an amused tone I his voice.

"i need a favour"

'does it involve me dying?" he inquired. I grimaced because the likelihood that we'll be planning his burial was very high.

"close but I'm not really sure yet" I replied, standing up from my bed and pacing my bedroom.

"what did you do?" he asked.

I sighed "I may or may not have told my brothers I have a boyfriend and I need you to pretend to be mine" there was silence on the other end of the phone, for a moment I thought he hung up on me.

"fine, I'll do it" he said finally. I heaved a sigh of relief at his response.

"great and also my brothers invited you for dinner" I said quickly, the I hung up. I threw my phone on the bed and turned to the door. Leo was leaning on it with a smug look.

"the lies never get old" he murmured before pushing himself off the door frame and walking out. I stared at him walk away. He was becoming a problem.

Dinner came faster than I thought and soon the door bell was rung by Jack. I rushed down to open it but Leo was already there with Josh. He was giving him a disdainful look.

"stay away, Eva" Leo called turning to face me. I stopped in my tracks and watched. "lets show you to the dining room" Leo placed his hand on Jack's shoulders and shoved him towards the dining room. I walked quickly and closely behind them. All my other brothers were seated already. Ashton had a blank look on his face as we walked in.

"good evening" Jack stuttered. Ashton didn't say anything, he just gestured for us to seat down. I was made to seat far from Jack but beside Leo.

"its a pleasure that you were able to join us for dinner" Josh said with an amused look.

"quiet" Ashton snapped. "If I remember the last time, you said there was nothing between you two and now?" I gulped and looked at Jack. He was looking at me with a scared look.

"" I started to say but Ashton gave me a withering look. I shut my mouth after that.

"the food is getting cold" Nolan said putting a spoonful of the fried rice into his mouth. Jason chuckled and ate from his food too.

"i don't want to be an uncle, I trust you Eva" Ashton finally said with a long sigh. A lump formed in my throat and Leo cast me a sidelong glance. Ashton trusted me but I couldn't even tell him about the fact that we were all doomed. I was surprised Leo didn't argue. My phone dinged at that point and I picked it up to see the message. It was from Cole. It read '5 days left'. I shut my phone and dropped it on the table. Leo was giving me the look but I made sure to ignore it for the most part though it was extremely difficult. I could feel his eyes boring into the side of my head.

"is there a problem, Eva?" Jason asked. I shook my head and stuffed my mouth with rice. Dinner was finally over and Ashton left with Jason and Josh. Nolan went to his room leaving Leo, Jack and I.

"did something happen between you and Leo?" Jack asked.

"no" I snapped. "you should leave before you actually get killed" I added, leading him to the door. I opened the front door for him and took him out. "is this a joke or are we for real?" Jack questioned, staring at me.

I paused not expecting the question at all. What was I even thinking when I decided to call Jack? I could have called Xavier but I didn't. "joke, we're pretending for now" I found myself replying. Jack gave me a weird look and turned away. I watched him go to his car and rive off. I headed back into the house, Leo was waiting as per usual. I was afraid he'll give me a heart attack one day.

"the lies never end" he said to me. "you have 5 days left" he added before walking off. I glared at his back before heading to my room. The darkwood angels were back and I had an approaching deadline.

I threw my phone on the bed and lay down. A terrible headache was coming on. My phone dinged again. I looked at the message. It read 'I'll help you'.

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