Chapter eight

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I shot out of my bed and stared around my room. My heart was beating fast and I was trying to slow my breathing down. I just relived the first time I came In contact with them and by them I mean The Dark Wood Angels.

This cannot be good. When the dark woods want to strike they don't strike small meaning all my friends and most especially family are in danger.

"You're overreacting" I whispered to myself trying to calm my nerves as I made my way out of my Bed. I took a quick shower and dressed up. My main priority was going to school early so I could see someone to help me. I ran down the stairs to be met by all my brothers eating at the table, non of them had bothered to wake me up.

"Hey guys" I said playing it cool. They all turned my way and some of them smiled while others we'd too busy stuffing their faces to know that I arrived.

"Good morning to you too" Josh replied.

"Can we go to school already? " Leo looked at me like I was insane.

"Since when do you like school?" He asked staring at me suspiciously. I shrugged and quickly ate the food in front of me.this time they knew something was wrong because naturally I'll argue till tomorrow why I can't eat it. I dropped my dish in the sink and turned to them all staring at me shocked.

"We can go now right?" Everybody carried their bags and we headed to the door. I looked very well around the house to make sure no one was lurking around before entering the car. I kept staring out of all the windows to make sure non of them followed us.

"Eva? Are you okay?  You've been looking around suspicious for the past 10 minutes" Josh asked looking through the rear view mirror at me.

I shrugged and continued my stare out of the Window. We finally reached school and I was the first person to leave the car.  I ran into the school building looking for Spencer. I finally found him talk in to some guy. He looked at me and smiled but the smile left once I started dragging him to an empty classroom.

I shut the door of the room and turned to him.
"They're here Spencer" I said not above a whisper. My heart was beating and I couldn't continue lying to myself that I was not scared. He stated at me in horror as he gasped the message.

"The Dark wood Angels? , Cole is here? So you joined them"

I nodded grimly. He looked so disappointed. If I had listened to him this won't be happening right now.

"What are we going to do? What do they want?" He asked.

"I don't know why they came here, I left them, I'm not one of them anymore' I said putting my face in my hands. Spencer wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug.

The door flung open and I heard a gasp of shock. I released myself and turned to face my brothers who were all glaring at Spencer.

"And this is why you came to school early, to make out with. This guy?" Josh said through gritted teeth. what the hell was he doing here?

"Calm down, this is my best friend Spencer and Spencer these are my brothers"


"yeah,  we've been together since we were 5 years" they all mouthed an oh and blushed in embarrassment.

"Great, but you need to get to class quickly the bell rang a couple minutes ago" Nolan said. I nodded and grabbed my bag before heading out.

"hey Eva" I heard someone say as I shut my locker cause it was the end of school. I turned to face Damon leaning on the locker beside mine.

"Hey, what's up?" I replied slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"You were scarce today, just wandering why" I sighed.

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