Chapter one

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I stood in the shadow of the building that stood mightily behind me as I watched the scene before me.  Two seventeen year Olds fighting, not just a playful push around but considering they were both bleeding...

Nobody bothered to stop them because that was pure suicude. We all knew to leave when the fight became more serious because if someone was killed as in most cases you'll be called as a witness and nobody had strength for that shit.

Just as one of the boys drove his bloody knife into the hand of his opponent, I took it as my cue to leave and so did so many other of the children who watched the fight. I grabbed my bag and started down the street.

I pulled my hoodie over my head and walked in the shadow of uncompleted or discarded properties. This was my Dark wood, my home and the only place I have know since I'm hardly  away from it.

I passed the alley that led to my house and soon the house came into view. It was one of the few completed buildings in the entire town but with no water and very little electricity. That's all my mum could afford Cos she rarely has money to spare and she uses all she has on drugs and alcohol. Leaving me to earn the money for the bills and food.

I froze once I caught sight of the house, sitting at the bottom of the driveway was a police car with two officers leaning on it and discussing. One of them caught my eye and alerted the other.  They both looked at me.

I turned and ran.

I raked my mind, if I had done anything recently to warrant them visiting my house but  maybe Sheila did aka my mum considering I hadn't seen her in  couple of weeks.

I Could Hear Footsteps behind me, i didn't risk a look back before running into the alley. As I reached the end I bumped into someone and fell on the ground.

I groaned once my hands came in contact with the floor as I tried to break my fall.

"Caught her" the person said into the small device he was holding. The other two cops came running in panting heavily.

"Eva Black?" One of them asked me but i groaned in response so they took it as a yes. One of them helped me get up and they led me out of the alley to the station car.  It was no use fighting now cos I can't fight three cops alone.

The only thing that went through my mind was "what exactly did Sheila do now?"

The station was very busy with a lot of police officers walking around with various files in their hands.  Most of them didn't bother looking at me considering I was a normal customer at the station. I've been in juvie 3 times and almost got into jail once.not like I'm a bad Person just got mixed with the wrong crowd.

One of the cops pointed to a bench for me to seat down, I collapsed on the bench and closed my eyes trying to numb out the pain that throbbed my hand.

The door opened and the cops came back with a tall brunette and another young man. He was about 6'1, in a black suit. He had dirty blonde hair and very cold blue eyes. He looked intimidating and he was because most of the cops kept their distance from him.

"Hello Eva, my name is Lara she said smiling widely "I'm your social worker, your mum Sheila passed away a few days ago and was just found, we believe it's attt"

I stood up and stared at her. Was she kidding me?

"Your brother Ashton here is gonna take you home" she pointed to the young man. I stared him up and down.  So I did have a family. Sheila lied. I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

"What's on your leg? " a deep voice asked. I looked up at my brother who was staring down at my right leg. I face palmed mentally, it was a tracker i got when I got out of juvie to ensure I didn't run away.

"it's a tracker (a/n assuming it is real,  just imagine it is), you get when you come out of juvie" one of the cops answered.

Ashton gave me a look that said "juvie, seriously".

"Well then, take it off" he said. The cops looked amongst themselves unsure of what to do.

"Well actually we....." one of them started to say but shut his mouth up when Ashton flashed a card in his face. The others looked at the card and immediately grabbed the keys to open the lock.

I wondered what was on that card that can even make police  officers do what they don't want to do. Seems that Ashton is an important person.

Once the lock was opened I rubbed at the patch of red skin that surrounded where the tracker once was. I had a similar one on my wrist, but it now had scars due to the amount of times in tried to break the tracker off.

"We'll be leaving" all the cops started to mumble incoherent words  as Ashton walked passed them, I followed him out to his black lambourghini.  Was I shocked?  Yes.

We both got in and drove off. I was embarrassed as we drove down the streets of Darkwood.  This wasn't exactly the best place to raise children but I was raised here and so were so many other children.

As we rounded a corner, I saw someone peeking at us from behind the bush. I stared intently at the figure trying to find out who it was. The person sent me the middle finger as we drove out of sight.

But deep down, at the bottom of my heart I knew exactly who that person was.

I was just scared to admit he was after me.

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