Chapter six

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I looked down carefully out of the Window and stared at the ground.  It was a long way down but I didn't mind  considering in Dark wood my Window was basically the front door for me.

I grabbed my hoodie off my desk and wore it quickly. It was hard convincing my brothers to let me stay home alone because they all had to go out for a very important meeting and won't  be back till very late at night. I'm sure I'll be back by then.

I put my right leg out of the Window first, then my left leg next until I was hanging on my Window. I pushed my leg sideways and placed it on the pane of the Window below mine. Before carefully moving my hands to that pane then I jumped to the ground.

I stole into the evening and made my way to the park. He never specified which park but me being the smart person I am guessed that it would be the closest to where I lived because of some individuals.

I walked in the shadow, practically sticking to all the buildings and avoiding making body contact with anybody.

The park finally came into view, a small park surrounded by some bushes.  It looked old. The swings looked old and rusted because they were made of iron, the see saw was in a weird angle and there was a lot of trash littered everywhere.

I walked in staring around for Jack but I didn't see him so i cleaned out one of the swings and sat on it while waiting. I heard the rustling of some bushes and he emerged from it.

Funny business. I thought the park has an opening?  Why would he follow the Bush?

He walked over to  me in quick strides. I couldn't help but check him out. He wore a white vest now with the same black jacket over it, he had plain jeans and black vans. Hot.

" hey Eva didn't know you'll make it" he said cleaning and taking the swing beside mine.

"When the cats are out the mouse will play" he laughed at this . He had a very nice set of teeth.

"So, tell me about you"

"There isn't much to say apart from the fact that i just moved here" I replied shortly.

"Um..don't you have likes or dislikes or something?" He asked again. I rolled my eyes.

"I hate cats for God's sake those things are creepy" he chuckled softly "I love ice cream though, I don't eat it often, it was a one time privilege" I said thoughtfully.

"Why was that?"

"I didn't exactly have the best childhood.." I shook my head "enough about me, how about you"

He shrugged "I'm Jack as you know, I don't exactly have the best reputation around here"

"How about your family?"

He tensed a bit and I couldn't help but notice "my mum left when we were younger, leaving me, my elder brother and sister with my dad, my dad and i don't have the best relationship but we're trying.."

"I'm so sorry" I apologized slapping myself internally for asking.

"You don't have to be, it happened a while ago so I'm over it" we sat in silence moving the swings slowly at the same pace as we were both drowned in our thoughts. I can't believe I just gave him a glimpse at my childhood. This was something only few people knew about. I never told anybody else about what living with Sheila was was hell.

."Eva" Jack called snapping his fingers bin front of my face because in had zoned out completely.

"yeah, I'm sorry what did you say..."

"I asked if you want to get ice cream" I nodded quickly like a five year old. We left the park and walked to the ice cream palour. We took our orders and sat down at a booth.  I tried to convince Jack not to pay for me but he insisted he would so I had no choice.

It was already night by the time we were done and started to head home.we is walked slowly enjoying the coming the darkness and the sound of cars as they passed us.

"Do you know where she is?" A voice asked. I turned to see two boys in a conversation , one if the was in a dark hoodie and other just wore a jacket. He looked like he had a red mass of hair. As we approached, I moved closer to Jack but they didn't seem to notice us.

"Lockhart high? "The red top questioned.  I froze and my breathing hitched. It could not be true. I know that voice anywhere and it didn't bring good luck.

I increased my pace and so did Jack. Once I was sure we were out of earshot, I stopped and started to breathe properly.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked. I nodded quickly and said nothing else. We finally came near my house and he stopped. He couldn't get 60 m within the house or he'll be had for dinner.

"Bye, See you tomorrow"  he called before walking away. I waved soft and made for my door. I opened it slowly and walked, once I closed it and turned. I bumped into someone. It was Josh with a folded arm. He was glaring down at me.

"You're home? "

"Yes and where have you been?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"Just went out for a walk cause I was so bored in the house" I replied.  He rolled his eyes and left me. I can't believe he fell for that but wait until he figures who I went with. I walked up to my room thankfully not meeting any of the others. I jumped on my bed just as a message entered my phone.

Hi Eva it read from an unknown number.

Who's is this?


Stop playing jokes,  Jack.

This is Cole Saunders to be precise. My heart dropped. Why was he calling me? What did they want?

Look out the Window. I walked to my Window and sure enough standing near some bushes was he and the red top Connor. 

My phone slipped from my hand and slammed on the ground.

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