Chapter twenty-four

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I sat staring out of the window watching the sun rise up. I had only a few days left before the final onslaught. The air was still and everywhere was quiet for some reason. I stood up from my seat beside the window and headed down the stairs. The downstairs was dark and quiet. I groped around in the dark, until I found the kitchen and switched on the light.

 I grabbed a cup, filled it with water and drank from it. I set the cup down and looked around. There was just something wrong. My brothers were awake at this time most days, at least the three eldest were but they were nowhere. The house looked empty and deserted.

I froze when I heard the front door open, low voices followed and then hurried footsteps. I waited until the people came to the kitchen. I didn't want to raise an alarm until I was sure of who it was. Ashton walked in first, followed by Jason and Josh. They all stood at eh door staring at me and I stared back.

"you're awake?" Ashton asked.

"Where from?" I asked, with a raised eyebrow. They all exchanged looks but they looked mostly at Ashton for an answer.

"work" he replied, throwing his bag on the table. "Get ready for school, don't be late"

I rolled my eyes and headed to my room. It was clueless to stay and argue. I took a quick shower and dressed up. Grabbing my bag and phone I went down again. This time all my brothers were there, Nolan and Leo looked like shit, with their eyes drooping and their clothes put on haphazardly. I took a seat and ate my breakfast slowly. There was silence around the table and I wondered why.

"I'm going for an event "Nolan announced. Leo looked up and grinned at him. Nolan didn't return the grin. " I was the only one invited" he said. Leo's face fell.

"what? But we always do things together, you always get me in somehow"

I took this as my cue to leave. I grabbed my bag and headed for the car. Jason came out a few minutes later. "ill take you" he said and slid into the driver's seat. He drove me to school in complete silence. I got out immediately we got there, not even waiting for him to speak. I headed into the school hallway. Jack met me half way and grinned when he saw me.

"dearest, when last did I see you in school?" he said so loudly, a lot of people turned to stare. I pretended to think and then started walking away. He ran after me and slid his hand across my shoulder. I smiled at him.

"yo, Eva" someone yelled from across the hallway. I looked up to see mu friends, Spencer was there too.

"hey guys" I said waving at them.

"so are you guys, like an item?" melody asked wriggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

"kinda" I replied. She let out a squeal. The bell rang at that moment and we all went to class. The school day went by in a blur, jack was by my side the entire time and I stayed with Spence too. School was finally over and we headed out. I froze as I stared at who came to pick me. It was ashton. All my friends stared at him. Nobody saying a word.

"i think he's waiting Eva" Xavier whispered. I pushed his face away and said my goodbyes. I walked over to Ashton's car.

"hey, I thought Jason was coming" he shrugged and opened the door for me. Jason and josh were inside. I sat down beside josh who was at the back. He sent me a small smile and turned back to his phone. Ashton drove us home in silence. The house was dark when we got in. I wondered where Nolan and Leo were. I headed straight for the living room and froze. Ashton came in next followed by josh and Jason, they all stopped staring at the message we had gotten.

The wall had letters on it, written in blood. It just said, we have Nolan, Eva will explain" my three brothers tared at me probably waiting for an explanation. I stared at them, my mouth suddenly going dry and my throat became itchy. Ashton looked at me ,rather glared.

"who has Nolan?" he asked. I gulped no finding my voice. "speak" he yelled. His voice echoing through the house.

"Cole, the dark wood angels" I replied.

"explain now" I gulped and told him everything. All the secrets that I'd been hiding I poured it out. Ashton was looking at me with an unreadable expression then he stood up and walked out. Josh and Jason were staring at me with blank looks.

"Go and rest, we'll find him" Jason said. I nodded and headed to my room. I paced my room for a few minutes before falling on my bed. Soon I fell into a dreamless sleep.

we are reaching the end of this book. Thanks for reading.

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