Chapter three

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I slammed my hand on the alarm clock once it started to ring. I looked at the time.5:00 in the morning. I was not bothered since this was my normal wake up time. It was the easiest time to escape from the house before the devil herself woke up.

I grabbed my toiletries and entered the bathroom. Peeling off my clothes slowly,  I stared at my frail figure in the mirror. I had so many bruises and scars I got either from juvie or street fighting and a couple from Sheila. My eyes traveled to my upper arm and rested on the small tattoo there. It was a D and W with an A in the middle. That was the biggest mistake of my life and something I regret till today.

If only I had listened to him.

Pushing away those thoughts.  I enters the bathroom and took a long shower.i chose my black hoodie and my second pair of jeans. Once I was done dressing up I laid on my bed and went through my phone.

The door opened and someone walked in. Nolan.

"What time do you wake up?  It's kinda early" he said shocked.

I shrugged"can I help you?"

" down in an hour for breakfast so we can head out" I nodded.  Then he looked at me expectantly then I remembered VERBAL ANSWERS. I murmured  an okay and he left.

An hour later
As I made my way down the stairs, I could hear laughter and talking which ceased once I walked in. Ashton sat on his chair drinking coffee while staring amused at Nolan who was trying to stick a grape into Leo's mouth though Leo was sleeping.  Jason was stuffing his face with pancakes.  Josh was making pancakes at the stove. He dropped a plate with four pancakes on it. What did he think I was? A pig?

"No, I can't' I said pushing the plate away.

"And why not?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm not hungry"

" you barely ate dinner..." he started to say but Ashton cut him short.

"Let her be, but she must eat at least one of them" I groaned internally and forked one of the pancakes into my mouth. One by one they left until it was only Leo and I. He was awake now.

"What happened to your wrist?" He asked me. My eyes flickered down to my red colored wrist. I pulled down my hoodie sleeve.

" just a few scratches" I answered. He didn't look convinced but said nothing.  What Happened To The Glare He Was Giving? Why did he care now? 

"Ready you guys" someone called.  I turned to Josh at the door all ready to go " Leo if you're coming go Dress up and be down in ten" Leo groaned but stood up anyway and walked out.

"Get your things and meet me in the garage" I quickly went  to grab my phone and shoes. I don't carry that useless thing people call a purse. I instead I stuff all my things into my pocket. The others were already waiting when I came down.  We went in two different cars and drove off.

We've been shopping for about 3 hours,  no scratch that 'they've been shopping for about 3 hours'. I'm seated on a bench with Leo who was typing furiously on his phone with an angry expression on his face.

Apparently,  Josh says I'm too cheap for his liking since i put back anything with an expensive tag on it but Josh would insist to buy them and we'll start arguing,  then he banished me to  a bench.

I watch as people pass by giving  me odd looks or casting flirting glances at my brother.  Ew.

As my glance ran through the crowd, my eyes landed on a boy in a blue hoodie. He was backing me and talking to someone. He reminded me so much of somebody I knew and hoped to meet again.

"What're you looking at?" Leo asked drawing me out of my thoughts.  He followed my gaze and his eyes narrowed at the boy In blue hoodie. He grabbed my arm making me flinch,  he quickly let go and looked at me confused  but I looked away.

"Let's go meet the others" we walked to the food court where the others were already stuffing their faces with food. Josh handed me a tray with food on it but I declined.

"Why not? "

"I'm not hungry" I don't know how long my excuse will last but I hope it lasts long. He cast me an glare and an I'm not playing look. I rolled my eyes and started to eat slowly until I was halfway through. Nolan ate the remaining for me much to Josh annoyance.
We finally decided to head home since we had school tomorrow and I was not looking forward to it at all.

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