Chapter five

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Unknown p.o.v

My jaw clenched in anger once my eyes landed on the girl dressed in all black standing near the buildings. Eva Black.

I watched as she left the scene and started for her home. I followed her a little distance before stopping to rest a bit because I'd done this all day.

Soon she came running back with two police officers in hot pursuit. I watched her slip into an alley but soon she was dragged out.

I wonder what she did this time.
I walked back the way I came, through a few destroyed buildings and entered into the one that was the dirtiest and ugliest house we had.

I walked down the hall way and knocked at a door to one side of the hallway. I heard a small voice asking for the password. I whispered it back before the door was opened.

It was like an apartment. We had a living room, some rooms with bathrooms and an office for our leader.

"How'd it go?" One of the people seating on the couch watching TV asked. I ignored and walked into the office.

It was a rather small office with a table at the middle and two small chairs infront of it. At the side was a small shelf of books which have accumulated dust over the years since nobody bothers to look through them.

"You're back, how'd it go?" Our leader said coming out of a side door. He was a bit tall with scattered black hair and the strangest blue eyes. He had a cigarette hanging loosely from between his lips.

"The cops got her, and before you ask I don't know why"

He eyed me " did you bother finding out?"

I rolled my eyes "we all know Going to the station is equivalent to suicide"

"You should have at least found out a little, she's a target we can't afford to lose her" I stared at my boss, there was just something odd about him when it came to matters concerning that girl. I walked out of the Office without another word and headed straight for the police station.

As I walked down the street I bumped into an old friend of mine. We'd been together till our freshman year when I joined something he wasn't so glad of.

"Yo, men it's been forever" he said bringing out his hand for a shake. I gladly took it in a firm grip.

"Yeah, i know we should meet up for a drink" he nodded in acknowledgement. "So, you heard anything about the Black"

He shrugged "not much, but I think her family came to claim her. I'm kinda glad cos she's been to hell and back"

This cannot be happening. "Do you by chance know where she is moving to?"

"I think I heard something about Lockhart or so" I nodded quickly and took off. The others needed to hear this. As I turned a bend I heard a car coming. Natural thing is to jump into the bush and I did. The car came around and spotted Eva at the back staring intently at where I was hiding. I sent her the middle finger with a deep scowl on my face. Just wait Black we're coming.

Yay. ..another chapter. Thanks a lot for reading this. I promise it gets more interesting and complicating as we move on.

I have a question.  Sorry I don't.


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