Chapter thirteen

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I stared into my closet with an annoyed expression on my face. Choosing what to wear was harder than I thought. I groaned and went into my room before laying down on my bed. The door opened and Lisa walked in with a big bag strapped to her back. She had on a Grey flannel top over white washed jeans with a pair of vans adorning her feet.

"How's Melody?" Was the first thing I asked. I've only been allowed to see her once, most people don't even know what happened or that I found her first.

"She's getting better,  she also said we shouldn't ruin the mood and have fun" I chuckled at this

"Can you help me pick out a dress?" I begged her. She nodded and proceeded into the closet. I got a text from Peter telling me that they won't let he and the others in. I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs.

The living room was already a mad house, i spotted Leo gulping down a glass of something while talking to a girl and he looked tipsy. I walked past all the dancing sweaty drunk teenagers. There was a long line outside  the door waiting for their names to be checked on the list. Somebody was shouting and when I came closer I realized it was Xavier while Peter and Damon tried to calm him down.

"There she is" Xavier yelled pointing in my direction. Arthur I guessed, Nolan's friend turned to me.

"The're with you?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yes, thanks" he raised the red rope and let them come in.

"Man this party is wild" Damon exclaimed grabbing a cup of juice off a counter. I led them upstairs to my room, Lisa had laid an outfit on the bed for me.
I grabbed the outfit and went to get changed. When I came out in saw all of them seating in a circle. I stood at the door wondering why they were doing.

"Are you playing?" Damon asked.

"Umm...I don't know how to play replied them.

"it's easy, we ask you a couple of questions and if it relates to you,  you drink" Lisa explained. My eyes went to the small shot glasses in the ground. How did they get alcohol up here?

"i don't drink" I sighed and flopped on my bed. They started playing the game. My Phone dinged and I saw I got a text from Jack.

J: hey, where are you

E: in my room, I'm not allowed to go downstairs

J: live a little,  I promise you won't get caught.

I rolled out of my bed and made my way downstairs. He was standing by the stairs dressed in a white vest with black jeans. He looked hot. I slapped those thought out of my head as i got nearer to him.

"You look amazing" he said looking me up and down. A blush creeped up my face and I muttered a thank you. He pulled me with him and we mingled with the crowd. We pretty much avoided my brothers through out until we got to a quiet corner.

"I'm sorry about Melody" Jack said making me gulp "I heard what happened,  if I ever set eyes on the person that did that, I'll kill them" I gave a weary smile and looked away. My eyes raked the crowd and landed on a certain somebody leaning against the wall. He had a drink in his hand. He looked up slowly and I froze. Cole. Damn. Nolan was close to him gulping drink after drink.

"Eva?" Jack called waving his hand in front of my face. I blinked a couple times and looked at him.

"I'm sorry I zoned out,  what did you say?"

"I gotta go, see you around" I waved and he left. I made my way up the stairs and looked at the party from up but specifically at Cole who was inching closer to Nolan.  He slipped something into Nolan's pocket and slowly slipped away.

I walked down the stairs and broke through the crowd. I walked over to Nolan and slipped my hand into his pocket. I brought out the packet and put it into my pocket. He didn't even notice me. I'm a trained  petty thief, I can steal from you while your looking at me.

I went into a free bathroom and locked the door. I put my hand to my chest and tried to control my breathing. I looked at the substance. It was Cocaine.  Cole was trying to frame Nolan for drug possession. I poured the content into the toilet and flushed it down. I walked out of the bathroom and went back to my usual spot at the top of the stairs.

The party had quieted down a bit. Cole leaned on the wall near the stairs. I could see him clear but he couldn't unless he turned. Ashton was talking to a cop and he was furious. The cop himself looked scared. Cole had a smirk plastered on his face.

The cop walked over to a drunk Nolan and began to search him. They searched everywhere and even did a scan but found nothing. They also scanned the area and found nothing. The smirk on coles face slowly faded away to one of confusion. The cops apologized and left.

I stifled a cough but I guess it was loud because Cole turned and looked at me. I froze and stared back at him. He growled lowly and shot me the middle finger before storming out. I gave a cheeky smile as i saw him walk out.

Ashton was talking on his phone yelling at the person on the other end. Everybody went back to what they were doing pretending like nothing just happened. Josh and Jason were discussing in low tones I guessed because of the way their heads were so close to each other.  This was a close one,  I don't know what would have happened if Nolan got arrested.

I got another left a from Cole.

You were just lucky,  next time you won't be this lucky.29 days left.

Jason p.o.v

The party was going better than I expected. I'd had a few drinks and some good ladies to hit up on. Things were going smooth until our friend at the door told me that the cops were here. I wondered why they were  here, we made sure no illegal substance was brought in and no illegal business carried out.

I walked over to Ashtons office and called him out. He looked genuinely annoyed and angry. The cop looked scared on seeing him. Because of the nature of what we do we have great respect from the police because it is dangerous for them to meddle in our business.

They both talked for some minutes, i could tell he was getting frustrated at every turn. Finally they made their way over to Nolan and searched him. When they found nothing they apologized and left. 

I looked around the party and my eyes landed on a boy by the stairs.  He looked annoyed and confused. Then. He looked up. I followed his gaze up and saw a shocked Eva. She honestly thought we couldn't see her. He sent her scowl and she returned a cheeky smile. Did they know each other?  I put it in my mind to ask her later what their relation was.

"It was a frame up" Ashton said to me " circle the grounds and check all cameras" he said and walked out. I groaned. Why does he always send me to do his work? Why can't he just send his men. Ashton!

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