Chapter Nineteen

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Ashton p.o.v

I let the phone drop slightly from my ears when I heard those words come out  from his mouth. How did he know? I made sure no one found out about it even Eva's friends who have been trialing us for days asking for her.

"Ashton, why didn't you tell me?" he asked again in a calmer voice. I turned to look at Leo and Josh who were staring at me apprehensively.

"I thought I could handle it myself, without external help and we're doing a good job anyway" he sighed and murmured under his breathe.

"fine, I won't help but you have to bring her back by tomorrow" he hung up on me and the room went silent. My brothers looked at me waiting for some information but i just shook my head and turned to my computer.

"face recognition test complete" Leo said uploading a document unto our screens. "Connor Davilla, 17 years old, school drop out, been in juvie about 5 times for theft and gang association"

I turned swiftly to face him and asked "what gang? what's the name?"

"Darkwood angels" He stared at me waiting for a reaction but i offered none. it was becoming more complicated than I imagined. The Darkwood angels could probably have a hand in Eva's kidnap but why?

"the signal is stronger now, it's a red signal" Josh announced with a horror stricken face.

"that's good" Imurmured in reply but he didn't seem to share my excitement.

"red signals only mean one thing...she's bleeding, almost dead" he said in a whisper. My mood dropped.

Eva p.o.v

My eyes were closing again and the walls around me seemed like they were becoming smaller. i could barely see and i tasted the metallic liquid as it filled my mouth. It was blood from my lips. i gripped my arm tightly in an effort to reduce the bleeding but it was no use. I could only see the red liquid as it seeped through my fingers.

i couldn't tell exactly how long i'd been lying on the floor tied to the chair. The silence that surrounded me was driving me insane. For once in my entire life i wished Ashton will come find me. I was too young to die.

I heard the footsteps before the door opened. I couldn't exactly make out who it was but i knew instantly when i smelt the lavender fragrance. Marie. She knelt beside me and began to cut at my ropes.

"Marie, what are you doing?" i choked out. she shook her head in a dismissing gesture and continued to cut the ropes. She pulled the ropes away from me one by one and pulled me into a siting position with my back against the wall. She took  a bottle from beside her and used her fingers to part my lips before poring it down my throat. i winced as the cool liquid came in contact with my bruised lips. The drink numbed the pain a bit and cleared my vision so i could see her clearly. She tied a cloth around my wounded arm to stop the bleeding.

Her face was red and bruised. Her left eye bit swollen and i could make out the belt welts all over her body.

"Marie.." I started to stay but she placed her fingers on my lips.

"you have to be quiet, John left to meet some friends in the club, he won't be back till tonight, go down the hall way, take the last door on the left and it'll lead you into an alley, run and don't stop, take the first bus home" She pulled me to my feet and shoved a hoodie into my hands.

I tried to steady myself because i felt dizzy. 

"What of you? aren't you running?" I asked.

She shrugged "I can't leave"

"John will kill you, if he finds out"

"he can't kill me, he knows that now go" I staggered to the door slowly and reached for the handle then I turned back to her.

"i'll be back for you Marie, I promise" I said to her before opening the door and stepping out. The air was musty and unhygienic. I walked down the hallway and turned left until I reached the door she told me about. I opened it and it led straight into an alley. It was almost evening and the sun was starting to set but I could fell my legs giving away. I was too weak, too tired to walk through but still I forced myself to. I came to the end when I saw him, standing in the shadows. My mind was fuzzy and I became dizzy. I was blacking out. 3 of them were there.

"Marie.." I murmured as they ran to me.

"Eva?" I heard Ashton ask before everything went black again.


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