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The smoke from the cigarette swirled high in the air making circles that slowly floated into the dark night and disappeared into the atmosphere.
The  more the smoke disappeared the more it was pushed out of the butt of the cigarette.

The Man Puffed Heavily At cigarette before throwing it down in annoyance and squashing it with his foot. Why was his life like this? He'd lost precious things in life and slowly he'd seen himself breaking and burying his troubles in the foul taste of tobacco and beer.

He heard slow footsteps, he reached into his jacket and settled his hand around his gun. The figure came into view, a young boy of about 26, he had blonde hair like the man and cold lifeless Blue eyes that seemed to pierce the semi darkness surrounding them considering the only light was from the dimly lit bulbs on  the porch.

"Will you ever give that up?" The young man said inhaling the smell of the cigarette.

The older man growled at him " what do you want?"

"She's dead" that was enough to make the man straighten up and stare intently at the boy.

"And Leah?"

"Good, we've got her" the young man replied as he turned to leave, on the second thought he stopped and turned back.
"And she hates smokers" the older man stared at his back as he left. He looked down at the packet of cigarettes in his hands and threw it away.

This is the prologue of my book Eva Black. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thanks for reading.

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