Chapter Seventeen

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My head was spinning and pounding so bad that I couldn't even open my eyes. I tried to think and remember what happened but my mind was blank as well as fuzzy.

I heard a sound and automatically my eyes flung open. I stared around the room I was in. It was empty except for a very high window and an old rusty door. I was tied to a chair, my hands and legs tied to it.

I finished looking around the room and my eyes landed on the person that made the noise. He was tall, very tall with dark brown hair and green snaky eyes. He wore a black jacket over black jeans. John Mark.

"Ah, what a pleasure to see you once again" he said stepping closer to me. Without thinking I flinched back. "it's been so long, I missed you"

"I wish I could say the same to you" I replied with an eye roll.

"You never change, Eva" he replied crouching so I could meet his eyes. "I met your mum, she hasn't changed either, she's safely stocked away"

I chuckled "safely? She's dead John. Wasn't it at the hospital you found me?"

He raised an eyebrow either in shock of the news or that I laughed at him." Whatever, at least i have you and your brothers won't be able to find me"

I didn't reply I just stared at him. He didn't change since the last time I saw him. Still tall, corky, arrogant and a total jerk.

"So, I heard Cole is on you" I glared at him when he said that and he laughed "i never liked Cole anyway so I won't let him get you because by the time I'm done with you, he'll have no need but to dig your grave" I gulped.

"i have to leave now but see you tonight" he smirked and winked at me. He turned and headed for the door. Slamming it with a loud bang, I could hear his footsteps echoing down the hallway.

I tugged at the ropes in a bid to release myself but it was no use. I was stuck tied firmly to the chair. I sighed. Nothing good ever happens in Darkwood.

Jason p.o.v

Holy jeez. Eva kidnapped. The fact that Sheila was still alive is enough shock for a life time but a few hours Later Eva is gone too.

"Jason, are you still there?" Ashton asked through the phone.
"Yeah, I'm here" I replied.

"Set up base, try and track her, we also need to set base here in Darkwood send Leo and Josh" he ordered. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll send them in a jiffy, keep looking around" he hung up and I dropped my phone. The others walked into the room, chatting and laughing.

"Guys listen up, we have a problem"

"Sheila is alive again " Leo asked.

"Are they lost?"

"No, Eva was kidnapped" they all went silent and the bag of chips Leon was holding fell to the ground.

"I knew Ashton was a bad babysitter" Josh said breaking the silence.

"This isn't time for joking, she's in trouble we have to find her, Leo and Josh your off to Darkwood, Nolan and I are setting base here"

They all nodded but still nobody moved because there was a deadly question hanging in the air waiting to be answered.

"Does he know? " Leo finally asked.and they all stared at me waiting for the answer but in had no answer because if he finds out we'll all be dead.

Sorry for the short chappie but i had to post something. Pls note if there are mistakes.

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