Chapter two

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I don't know what shocked me more, the fact that I had a blood relative  or the fact i was staring at the biggest house I had ever seen in my entire life.

I grabbed my bag and came out of the car once we packed in the drive way.  I stood there gapping at it.

" are you going to go in or will you stare at this forever?" I heard someone say. I blushed but he didn't see that because of my hoodie.

The interior of the house was amazing, there was a hallway that opens to the kitchen at the left and the closet on the right,  then stairs that led up. The living room was after the stairs and there was a glass door that led to the backyard where I spotted a pool.

Ashton led Me up the stairs. It had an hallway with two rows of bedrooms on both sides.

"This is yours" he stated standing in front of a door that was in between two that said Josh and Jason. "The others are out, I'll call you down for dinner" with that he walked down the stairs.  I opened the door to my room. It was amazing.

There was a big bed against the wall beside the door and in between two side tables,  opposite it was the television. Beside the TV was a glass door that led to the balcony, at the left of the glass doors lento the closet and bathroom. There was a desk and chair opposite the closet and then a small corridor that had a Window seat at the end. I dropped on my bed . It was so soft I felt like sinking into it.

I grabbed my bag and brought out my phone. I scrolled through it aimlessly because i had no friends to chat up or instagram accounts to check so I decided to unpack my bag.

I took out my two black hoodies, they were really the only clothing I had apart from the one I was wearing currently.i took my jeans, some toiletries,  my pocket Knife and my gun. I also had some pills for the pain of the wounds I incurred in a fight recently. I quickly put everything away and hid my gun and knife in one of the multiple drawers I found in my closet. I just hoped nobody found it.

I groaned and rolled out of my bed when I heard the knock on my door.  I was trying to catch the sleep I'd missed for three days running now. I opened the door and Ashton stood there, phone in hand and the other one In his pocket.

"Dinner" was all he said before turning and heading down the stairs. He didn't bother to check whether I followed or not, throwing my hoodies over my head I followed him.

The laughter in the room died down once I stepped foot in the kitchen. I could feel eyes boring holes into me though my hoodie was up. I made my way to the seat opposite Ashton.

"I'm pretty sure there is no sun in this room" I heard Ashton say. Why did he have to say that indirectly, he could just come out plainly and say Eva take off the hoodie. I threw the hoodie over my head letting my black hair to tumble out.

I was a big contrast to the boys around the table.  They all spotted dirty blonde and blue green eyes and muscular bodies while I had straight black hair and a dark hue set of contact lenses.

i wasn't originally like this, when in was younger I had blonde hair and blue eyes but when Sheila got in jail once it was common for people to associate me with her since we both looked a lot like each other but I decided to change my look because I was tired of that. Here I am with black hair and eyes.

" Why the hell is your hair black?" One of them spat out.  I flinched at his loud voice and stared blankly.

"Leave it, it's her choice" Ashton glared at the boy but the look on his face showed he was the shocked too. "Introduce yourselves"

"Jason, 20" he had darker blonde hair, with blue eyes and a wide grin plastered on his face.

"Josh, 18" he had dirty blonde hair, with green eyes and a blank stare.

"Nolan, 17" he had blonde with green eyes and a similar grin to Jason.

"Leo,17 his twin" he looked exactly like Nolan but a glare was on his face. I rolled my eyes at this. As much as he didn't want me here I didn't want to be here sitting at a table with 4 teenagers and a guy whose expression is like someone killed his gold fish.

They all picked up their spoons and started to eat. I stared at the plate of spaghetti before me. I never had a big appetite because i was not usually given food. Maybe just twice a week and i lived on anything i could scrape together.

"is there something wrong with the food?" Josh asked. I shook my head and took a fork full of the food though I had to use water to force it down my throat. I ate half of the plate by doing that and I felt disgusted.

"Meet Me in my office, Eva" Ashton said standing up and walking out. I stood up quickly glad to get away from the food before me. I made my way through the hall until I came to the hall that had his office. I opened the large double doors and stepped in.

The office was big with a large book case that covered the entire back area of the Office. Odd. Why would someone do that?

Ashton was seated behind a large oak desk which had a long couch in front of it. He motioned me towards the couch and I sat down.

He stared at me intently for a second before sighing "I'm sorry for the loss" I looked at him. Why didn't he say your loss? Probably because they still take Sheila as their mother considering she gave birth to all of us. It wasn't much of a loss to me though but I nodded.

"As long as you live  here there are rules we follow for the safety of everybody under this roof" Ashton explained."answer verbally and truthfully at all times, don't respect or disregard anybody here, that's no cussing, swearing, eye rolling or back talking.

I rolled my eyes in my head, with people like Leo in this house there was no way I am going to follow this rules.

"Take permission before you go out and state what time you'll be back, keep good grades and no boys". I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Like I'll bother doing that.
" you'll go shopping with the boys tomorrow,  You can leave" I stood up and walked out of the office heading straight for my room. This life better be good.

2nd chapter is out. Thanks a lot for reading my book. I'll update my second book soon, I'm pretty busy with school work so pls bear with me.


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