Chapter Nine

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I threw my hood over my head as i made my way farther and farther away from the house. I knew each step i took held impending danger but i wasn't gonna back down now.  I needed to protect my family from them.

My heart started to beat faster as i approached the dreaded meeting place. It was just as I saw it last when i came with Jack. Empty and cold. I looked around for Cole but i didn't see him so i took a seat on the swing like i did the last time.

I heard the rustle of bushes and turned to see a figure emerge.  What was with this people and bushes? He came closer until I was face to face with him.

Cole Saunders. He had  chocolate brown hair that stood in a wavy mess on top of his head, Grey eyes and a very well sculptured face. In other words he was handsome. He looked a bit taller from when I saw him last. Of course he was taller than me considering he's a year older.

"Eva Black" I rolled my eyes at his attempt to intimidate me. It was something we learnt back when I was one of them.

"What do you want?" I asked going straight to the reason i was standing in the cold night.

He chuckled heartlessly and smirked "you know all right why we're here" I raised an eyebrow at him " to get revenge, Black" he said through gritted teeth. Just like Jack, calling me Black.

"Look Cole, I have nothing to do with you guys anymore, I'm done and I'm sure I was pretty clear when I said that" I snapped at him. He whipped out his phone and showed me the screen. It was a short staff with writings on it. And the D and W sign on it. I gulped. That was the symbol of the dark wood angels, their symbol of authority.

"I want it back" Cole said "it went missing  a day after  you left us and the southern warehouse went up in flames"

I stared at him shocked. They thought I stole their symbol of authority and destroyed their warehouse?  Why would I even do that?  Truth be told I left with Ill feelings against some people but I won't stoop so low as to steal from them or destroy property.

"I don't have it Cole and I have nothing to do with the warehouse" I replied trying to hide my fear but he seemed to notice it as he took a step forward.

"You would as soon as  we're done with your family" he was only a few meters from me.

"Stay away from them Cole"

He smirked and covered  the space between both of us. I could smell his mint cologne and for some reason it felt disgusting to my stomach

"it's not only about the angels" he whispered to me softly, his lips pressed So close to my ear that our skin touched and  I could feel the heat go through my body. "it's about us, me and you" my breathing hitched and my heart pounded.  It was something I chose to forget but the memory came fresh into my  head.  I tried to shut it out but it won't go away soon  i was having a flash back.

"Hey Eva" Cole said seating beside me on the grass. It was my normal place for peace and quiet. I looked over at him and smiled.

"Hey, what're you doing here? " I asked. He shrugged.

"Came to see you" we went silent after that. Then I  felt his lips on my face turned to him in shock. "I'm sorry but I couldn't hold back" it was like a dream come true but 11 year old me was just foolish it was the beginning of a nightmare.

He spent so much time with me after that. We became like two peas in a pod. There was no separating us until one day i saw him with someone else. He didn't bother to explain himself. He expected me to understand but I didn't.

I went to Calum,  our gang leader for comfort. Maybe he felt more than just friendship I don't know but Cole never spoke to me again. I felt betrayed and I was.

I snapped out of my trance when I felt rain drops hit my skin. I looked around and realized Cole was gone and it was already one in the morning. Great.

I started my walk home making sure to avoid the street lights. Coming down from the Window was way easier than going up and even worse considering rain was beating profusely. I finally reached my Window and slid in. The room was relatively warm.

I turned on the lights and froze. Seating on my bed were all my brothers including Ashton.  I'm screwed.

"Where were you? " Ashton asked in a voice that showed he was trying to contain his anger. The others had clear anger written over their faces.

"I went for a walk and I lost track of time and rain started falling so here I am" I replied quickly.

"I remember telling you that you are not to leave this house without permission,  do you know what could have happened to you?" Ashton yelled coming towards me, he raised his hand. For a moment I thought he'll hit me so did the only thing that I did when Sheila or HIM tried to beat me. I covered my face with my hands.

I waited for the slap to come but it didn't. I looked up at him and I saw shock and guilt in his eyes.

"Did you think I'll hit you?" I stared down at the ground. I couldn't answer him because if I did it'll just lead to me telling all my secrets. He raised up my chin and looked me straight in the eye.

"I'll never hit you,  get ready for bed" the others cleared from the bed and allowed me to lie down. They walked out one by one leaving me alone.

They were so close to knowing.

Ashton p.o.v

I ran my hands through my hair. I can't believe she actually thought i was going to hit her. Why would i do that? Why would she even react like that?  I know she's hiding something and I'm gonna find out.

I picked up my phone and dialed a number.

"I need you to do some research for me" I said. The person replied an okay. "Eva Black, Darkwood"

I hung up the phone. Now all I need to do is wait and watch.

Here's a new chapter. I hope of guys are enjoying it so far.

2K reads and 100 votes for the next chapter.

Also can you guys read my book on Webnovel. It's called The Billionaires Daughter.'s-daughter_19952710405008505.

I'll love it if u guys read it.


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