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Henriette was a woman of great patience and high mental strength. Or at least that's what she wanted to think.

Life had been hard on her, and yet that hadn't been enough to break her. The fact she was born in a noble family of medium influence over the nation had not prevented them from suffering some attacks over the years.

One of her brothers had died... and it turned out that her other brother had murdered him, hiring some bandits to do the dirty job, in order to become the next one in the succession line that involved owning all the properties of the Haraldsen house.

She had been kidnapped once to obtain an extremely high reward from her father if he wanted to see her alive again.

Long after she became queen of Askr, the former Emperor of Embla decided it was a good time to initiate his plans to expand the size of his empire for glory.

Her first son died when she was still very young due to a rather severe illness.

And then her husband also ended up going to the other world as well.

Something that maybe was the reason that kept her going regardless of everything was that she always seemed to be able to get something good or at least one lesson out of each event... no matter how small it could be. When she, without many options other options anyway, became the leader of her household because of being the only one left, she put all her effort into improving the local economy.

When she was locked in that dark room, her future husband along with several soldiers had come to her rescue. She ended up coming out unharmed and in the arms of a true blue prince.

When Gustav took the arms to fight Emperor Hiram, she had stayed behind to administer the kingdom. If there was any doubt left that she had the experience and capacity to be Askr's queen, they were totally dispelled afterward.

The death of her first son made her understand that she should not neglect Alfonse and Sharena. As a result, they had a strong strong bond and stable health.

Regarding her husband... she was still not sure what good thing she could learn from this matter... but she had faith that he was fine, wherever he was.

And now was the day to deal with another problem. In front of her was the principal chancellor.

"Luckily, reclaiming our territory has given our people confidence in the future and they are calmer now. However, it seems that those who lived in the frontier area do not understand that it is still too early to start rebuilding their homes. " the man commented.

"It's comprehensible..." The queen sighed. "We can increase their patience by giving a little financial aid."

"It is the simplest and most effective way to solve the situation." The Chancellor nodded, then reread the newly arrived letter.

"And now... comes a predicament... certainly concerning."

Henriette raised her eyebrow "Is it anything more worrisome than our current war?"

The Chancellor scratched his head. "Not quite. At least not soon, but in the future, it can be problematic."

Henriette narrowed her eyes slightly and gave a signal with her hand to tell the man to continue. "While it is true that the population is receiving the inventions obtained thanks to the legendary hero in a positive way and the soldiers and generals trust him more despite the fact that, according to his own words, he was little less than an ordinary villager without any previous combat experience... all this has had another effect on the public opinion."

Henriette used her index finger to hit slowly the arm of her throne. "And that consequence is?"

"It has severely affected the public image of Prince Alfonse." the man tried to do not to look at the queen in the eyes.

May The Future Be Bright: Kiran's Story (ABANDONED, MAYBE FOREVER)Where stories live. Discover now