Starting To Change The World Part 2

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It wasn't a surprise for Kiran that the queen wanted to meet him.

The problem was that, while with Alfonse and Sharena he knew he could be as he wanted, in front of a queen it wouldn't be so.. casual..

At least Anna explained to him that his tactician clothes were enough formal for a meeting like that.

The doors of a room were opened by two soldiers, then, Kiran was able to see the queen and her sons sitting in three thrones, Alfonse and Sharena's mother was in the middle of the two. He walked towards them, admiring the decoration of the room.

"Sit down, please" the woman spoke.

"Ah?.. aah! yeah yeah, sorry." Kiran responded as he sat on a chair that a soldier brought for him.

"So, first of all, I need to say that I'm very grateful for what you have done for me... Kiran, right?." She smiled.

"Uuh... yeah... jeje... and well... as I said to Anna time ago... I had two choices.. to help you... or do not help you... I would have preferred that I had another way to wake you up but... well... I'm sorry about your hand.."

"It is okay, you did what you had to do, so, accordingly with what my sons have told me.. you're the Great Hero of the legend.. aren't you?"

"Guess I am... I mean, I'm the one who owns the Breidablik." he answered as he showed to her the gun.

"You're younger than I had imagined you would be," she commented.

"Actually, now I think about it.. how old are you?." Alfonse asked.

"Um.. well... to answer that needs some math.. your calendar is different from mine... my calendar has three hundred sixty-five days... yours only three making a rule of three... em... seventeen multiplied by three hundred sixty-five divided by three hundred... I'm twenty point sixty-eight years old..."

"Uh.. right... I think I get it.." Alfonse was confused.

"Wow.. you're older than us.." Sharena scratched her hair with her finger.

"How old are you?."

"I'm nineteen years old," Alfonse said.

"And I'm seventeen years old." his sister answered.

"Using my calendar..." Kiran stayed silent for a while. "Alfonse is fifteen point sixty-one years old... and Sharena is thirteen point ninety-seven years old. (Y eso sin considerar días y meses.. así que no es muy preciso (Well, that's without considering days and months, so those ages aren't very precise.))"

"Interesting.." the queen said. "As I was saying, it is an honor to meet you sr Kiran, my name is Henriette."

"The honor is mine too, queen Henriette, also, it is a pleasure to live in this world... mmmh... eem...eem..." Kiran crossed his arms at the same time he used his index finger to scratch his skin.

"Is there something you want to say?" The queen used her hand to give him a signal of: you can continue.

"Actually... yes... I wonder if you happen to know more things about my gun." he pointed to Breidablik.


"The Breidablik." Alfonse clarified. "Kiran knew how to use it because in his world they use weapons like that, and they are called guns." Alfonse explained it as he remembered it.

"Yeah, well... the point is.. until now I've only discovered what the ammo of this thing is," Kiran said as he pulled out the orb he got from Merric. "The Breidablik works with things like this, but I have no idea what they are or where to get the.m.. or why Embla has them." no to mention perhaps explaining why they looked like materias... and perhaps making them work as materias.

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