The World Of Blazing Part 3

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Bruno drank some tea after he gulped due to the awkwardness of the situation.

"I missed you so much..." for the first time in a long time, the face of the princess of Embla didn't display any anger or even that loneliness that convinced Xander she needed him.

This time, it was a genuine smile of happiness, as if she had returned to be the same little girl of that time when she was five years old or less. She served more tea to her beloved brother as she spoke.

"Why were you wearing that stupid mask and uniform?"

Now dressing in a more classical black spearman outfit, besides his new haircut similar to the one he used to have as a kid, the prince drank more tea before answering. "You know that since I was exiled I cannot be seen here... had I returned with my old clothes I would have been executed as quickly as the sound of a snap is produced... without mentioning my old Emblian clothes don't fit me anymore."

Veronica frowned with fury. "Anyone who would have dared to put a single finger on you... I would have sent them to rot in prison!"

Bruno tried his best to do not to react at all to that moment of rage of his sister. Had this been caused because of the curse on their blood or it happened thanks to their love of siblings?... or perhaps a combination of both?

He didn't know... "You didn't have the authority to make that possible back then... besides it would have caused a hell of problems even worse than the actual."

"Where have you been?" Veronica's concern for him was also genuine, he could notice it easily.

"In Nilf." he lied, taking advantage of the fact that in his magic investigations he had learned to cast ice magic. "I always enjoyed the cold climates."

"And you never thought about writing some letters to me?!" Veronica hit the table with her fist. "Have you any idea about how I felt!"

"They would have burnt them as soon as they noticed the letters were written by me, and even if I got someone else to write them instead, they always read and check anything it's sent to you because it could have a dark magic hex on it." Bruno shrugged, and then he scratched his head's back part. "It's also possible they would have sent assassins after me for "daring to plan something against our country again" or anything similar."

The princess growled as she stood up and ran quickly to hug him. "Please don't leave me again..."

Bruno patted her on the head. "I won't leave you, that's a promise."

The inclusion of that specific pronoun had reflected the fact that he, indeed, wasn't going to abandon his sister... but not the Empire. If anything went well in the end, perhaps he could actually take her with him to Nilf before Alfonse repeated with his sister the same event their parents had experienced.

Unfortunately, to continue his investigations in peace and be able to stay by Veronica's side without a knife trying to get to his neck every ten seconds, he would have to work against Askr for a while...

"By the way, I have some information that might come to be-" he didn't get to finish his sentence as Veronica placed a hand on his mouth.



"Just for today... I don't want to do anything regarding war... I just want to spend time with you, just like the old times..."

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