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Kiran sat on a rock displaying another of those disgusted faces he usually had.

Nothing weird considering how badly hurt he was, similar to his second battle against the Hero-King.

It was just... frustrating how he still wasn't able to be at the same level of a common hero. He had managed to hold his own but, again, he could have never defeated that woman.

His face relaxed as curative magic surrounded him and it began to flow through his body, he certainly enjoyed this part. It felt so good!

"Thanks." he smiled back at the healer. Yet, she wasn't quite as happy as him.

The young woman looked down and said with a voice tone that just denoted how depressive she felt "It's just... part of my job... it's a pleasure... to help... " Then she turned around and walked away.

As far as he remembered, her name was Lissa.

Kiran sighed, he took off his left glove to observe and appreciate, once more, the Triforce mark. He then reflected on the fact he already had two things from The Legend Of Zelda. Perhaps it was time to get something from other series?

He couldn't ask for the buster sword because it was just insanely heavy, and even if it wasn't, it's not like there was somebody who could teach how to fight using that kind of weapon.

The same story would repeat with Ultima weapon. No matter how cool and blue it was, it was just a bad idea, therefore, a copy of the golden hilt master sword was the only practical thing.

Maybe it didn't need to be another weapon... he already had an awesome outfit as tactician. why not more aesthetical objects? he had money now and there was no reason why anybody would complain if he bought to himself something awesome.

He smiled as some things "materialized" in his mind.

Of course, all that had to wait as Evelyn approached and she sat by his side.

"Hello," she said.

"Hello." Kiran suddenly extended his hand to take Evelyn's one, as anybody would have expected, she narrowed. "Um... sorry! sorry!" Kiran shook his hands in a defensive posture. "You see... where I come from kissing the back part of a woman's hand is a way to display respect to her..." he gulped.

The woman raised her eyebrow, at least she didn't seem to be offended anymore. "Then why you didn't do this before?"

"I guess I was more focused on working than on being polite." He scratched his hair as his face denoted shame. He thanked a lot he hadn't tried this with the queen Henriette... that would have been so dangerous...

The purple-haired tactician extended her hand after three seconds of awkwardness. Kira nodded and gently kissed.


"It's okay. Actually... it wasn't bad." Evelyn shrugged, then she placed her index finger on her chin. "Actually, It made me feel curious, any other weird custom they do in your world?"

"Well, we have this." Kiran showed the same signal he had given to Marth. "This means peace and love, it's usually used as a simple salute." then he showed the classic rock hand gesture. "And this is when you are hearing amazing music and then you say hell yeah!... but... well, let's say the musical genre it's usually associated with hasn't been invented here."

"What is that... music like?..." she scratched her hair.

"Um... well... it's very hard to explain... I would describe it as battle music... while orchestra usually attempts to make you feel relaxed or feel amazed... this genre, known as rock, usually wants to stimulate the adrenaline..." that was honestly the best explanation of metal and rock and roll he could imagine for this situation.

May The Future Be Bright: Kiran's Story (ABANDONED, MAYBE FOREVER)Where stories live. Discover now