For The Future

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"Any more questions?" Kiran had his eyes narrowed as he clearly was very stressed, he had to continue answering though.

Ephraim raised his hand. "I would like to know why you mentioned your friend Martin a single time... I mean... you said he was your first best friend."

Kiran yawned and blinked.

"You must take into consideration that I'm telling you what I can remember and in a very summarized form since my memories aren't perfect. For example, I cannot remember if the kid who despised me for being left-handed was the same one that broke my train. After kindergarten, I never saw Martin anymore, I barely can remember how he looked like. But it's okay, I mean, every time you make a new friend you must understand almost all the friendships aren't forever, always certain factors make your ways diverge. Therefore, one must be mentally prepared when the farewell finally happens."

It was obvious it was an indirect lesson for the prince of Askr. Even though he got angrier, he didn't say anything back... he just crossed his arms and closed his eyes.

The next one to ask was Nino.

"Everybody in your world knows how to read and write?" she had... a worried expression.

"Almost, speaking the truth, nowadays in 2018 if you aren't able to write, read and speak in at least Spanish and English you're pretty much doomed. It's a necessary basic knowledge to get a good job."

"Oh..." she lowed her hand slowly. "... At least Lugh is teaching me..." she let out a little laugh. "A mother should teach her son to read... not the other way around..."

Kiran extended his hand with his index finger shaking. "Don't feel bad about it, I mean, it's cute." he smiled... at least she stopped being sad.

Then it was Anna's turn.

"What is Christmas?"

"Oh! you're gonna love this. Summarized... it's a consumerist holiday when everybody buys presents for each other in an empty attempt to demonstrate the humanity does not want to destroy itself. Like a birthday for everybody on the planet. Trees are decored with multi-colored lights and a star is put on the top. Very cute and all that but to me, it is now very meh."

Anna was, of course, interested... so was Sharena.

"A birthday for everybody... can we celebrate that here?!"

Alfonse scratched his head's back part as he opened his eyes again. "Eh... well... why not?"

Kiran narrowed and yawned once more. "Just don't invite me. I suck at giving presents, besides I'm a busy man and I don't want to be bothered, please."

Sharena's face displayed fury... Nino sighed, so did Anna. Ephraim shrugged.

"You never change... do you?" asked Anna.

"No, I don't!" Kiran's voice tone was kinda cruel.

"I think almost nothing of what you've told us by now explains why you are like... that... besides the Muy... Intere... sante thing." Robin commented.

"We're not yet in the most important parts of my life, the problem is Sharena wanted to hear since the very beginning so... you see."


Alfonse still had something crossing his mind that didn't let him in peace...

"Could you please end your sentence?"

Kiran raised his eyebrow and turned to see Alfonse... it was becoming hard to stay with the eyes opened... "Eh?... what the fuck do you mean?"

"You were saying something before Miriel interrupted you."

May The Future Be Bright: Kiran's Story (ABANDONED, MAYBE FOREVER)Where stories live. Discover now