The World Of The Mystery Part 1

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At least a week had passed since Kiran began to learn how to use a sword, his progress was going well given he spent the entire day training as if there was not a tomorrow. As he said to Sharena, if she wanted to help him, she needed to help him at learning. Both had read all the books of tactics that they could find.

He also started to write his own book on which he was introducing all his knowledge: math, laws of physics, chemistry, philosophy, biology, everything he had learned to make sure that even if he died, his knowledge would not die with him. It also worked as a backup.

While writing on the pages of what would become the equivalent of the Encyclopedia... he remembered something...

His family.

Probably they'd be looking for him... but since he probably wasn't planning to go back, probably never since Alfonse and Sharena didn't know which world was the one he came from...

He knew that, considering what his country was like, his family would consider him dead after a year... as depressing as the image of his mother and sisters crying over him and his brother and father feeling grief for the rest of their lives... he knew that for the salvation of these worlds... it was necessary.

Besides, he said that this world was much better than his own... or at least it seemed.

This world was his home now, and he would ensure the future was going to be bright, no matter what! After all, his world transformed from a medieval world into a modern world in less than five centuries since the men started to use the scientific method...

But now... with this knowledge to save up a lot of time... the process would get accelerated...

500 years into the future... his eyes got lost in his thoughts as he tried to imagine how everything would be... after sighing, he took a look at his new clothes.

They were a present from Sharena and Anna. According to them, these were the standard clothes of a strategist in Askr.

A white coat with gold lines, the sleeves were golden too. A blue t-shirt, a big belt, and even brown boots and brown gloves. It was such a good outfit, he was not going to complain.

His thoughts were interrupted when the door of his room slammed open.

it was Anna.

"Enjoying your new uniform?" Anna asked as she sat by at the other side of the desk.

Kiran looked away as he rubbed his hair with his palm. "I would say it looks like the gear a hero would wear." he nodded. "Although this office is what I like the most I guess. Comfortable, there's silence that I can use to study tactics without much problem... it's just very good."

Anna closed her eyes as she sighed. "I'm glad you are enjoying it, but I'm afraid it's time to return to our main work as the Order Of Heroes." she placed a letter on the table. "We got a message from the scouts in the world of Mystery. It seems the Empire has taken control of the world so, it's time to go to liberate them."

"Well" he stood up "It looks like that world is their favorite place to invade, should I say that it's a mystery?" he laughed as he shrugged. "Let's go then."

All the heroes of the along with the soldiers of Askr of The Order were near to the portal that connected with the world of the mystery after some days of walking back to the area.

"So, what's the situation?" Kiran asked crossing his arms and yawning.

"We've got big trouble, they already possess one of this world's most important Heroes... The Hero King Marth." Anna answered as she gulped in fear.

May The Future Be Bright: Kiran's Story (ABANDONED, MAYBE FOREVER)Where stories live. Discover now