Mental Disaster

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As much as they needed to sleep, they just couldn't get it accomplished.

Simply, they lived with the constant fear of that night be one of those nightmare nights... even if some of them still wore the maid outfit, it was always possible one of the soldiers with that particular liking would be the one to visit them.

For a certain girl, however, this didn't matter at all. Her fight spirit had been broken by this point in her new life she had been forced to.

She wasn't exactly the only one in that condition but she was the only one who had been captured in the battlefield and, instead of being transformed into a living weapon as the other hero archer because of her lack of power, the soldiers decided to put her beauty of young lady to "better" use.

She remained silent and unmovable as she heard the door of her cell be opened. Whatever this man was it didn't matter, it was hopeless trying to fight against the chains that bounded her and transformed her into a toy, she was just let him have his way on her and hope it didn't last much.

Because of all this, it took her some seconds to process the fact this person had thrown a towel to her... in all this time, the only thing that had covered her skin was that green scarf she always had.

She had barely time to blink at this when she heard... something she had given up on the idea of ever hearing, followed by an already strange feeling of freedom on her wrists.

"Get up."

Unfortunately, she couldn't understand what that voice was saying... yet, the fact it had a tone clearly feminine made her raise her head to see...

For a moment she panicked when she noticed the uniform of this soldier was similar to the one of the... Emblians?

It was the white color instead of black that told her something was off...

After some seconds, that woman helped her to stand up and ensure the towel was hiding appropriately every part of the body.

Something of life returned to her eyes as they walked out... and the ex-slave saw how all the other women who had suffered her same destiny... were being... released...

Just like her...

As she finally could see some light coming from the exit... it was like a miracle.

Sobs and tears of happiness, not only from her but all the other women, could be heard through the whole dungeon.

Her sight went even more blurry when another soldier offered what she had almost forgotten how it felt to wear...


She just couldn't articulate even a single word, the relief she felt was incredible...

She could swear her tears had been more at this moment than in all those horrible nights of suffering.

"Uhm... perme... (Um... excuse me...)"

She turned to see... a boy who had a very similar green hair to her... but his facial features brought her memories... more sad ones as the image of the corpse of best friend returned to her mind.

"Yi som Lugh... Podild yoted terme sur nabre? (I'm Lugh... could you please tell us your name?)"

She needed at least five minutes to relax enough. Nothing to be surprised though, she wasn't the only one who could barely talk after such a traumatic experience.


Her name was written down by one of the soldiers, just like all the other women recently released.

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