The Replicas And Cute Moments

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Sharena, as the lab assistant she was, passed to Kiran any tool he asked her for and raised the blueprints Kiran himself had drawn using his limited knowledge about technical drawing. The young scientist used a saw to give form to some pieces of wood. Lilina was again using her fire magic powers to create more lenses. The difference this time was the fact they were building a counterpart of the telescope, the microscope.

Kiran only spoke when it was completely necessary. Even though he knew what he was creating would be a primitive version just like his other replica, he still felt he had to do a job good enough that would have made proud Anton Van Leeuwenhoek. The problem was the fact that making a microscope is even more complicated and he didn't have previous experience. The arm and base weren't too much problem but the eyepiece and objective lenses were a completely different story.

Due to the limitation of his knowledge about this specific area of the optic. the magnification would only be from 20x to 300x in the best case. Enough for scaling up some bacteria which was what he wanted to do but ridiculous compared to a more modern model. As expected, his first attempts were a fail. All the lenses suffer severe optical aberrations. Either the image was defocused or the colors had different focal lengths. Kiran facepalmed at least three times when he noticed he had made a mistake when he calculated the result of the numerical aperture.

Once he fixed that, he found another dilemma. Would he prefer more resolution or more magnification? His amateur lenses didn't allow him to have both things in good proportions... in the end, he chose the magnification. Maybe in the future, a better optician will fix the fails in his design.

The process was more tedious, slow, and boring but after what perhaps were four hours. Kiran could claim he had got it.

Feeling a massive headache after investing too much mental effort at something that someone else who actually had gone to university probably would have ended it in less than thirty minutes. Kiran sighed in relief after watching some bacteria on a water sample.

"Okay, that's it." he took a cup and drank what he loved so much, coffee.

Lilina and Sharena, who already were almost sleeping, blinked. "Already?" asked Sharena.

Kiran made a confirmation noise, stood up, and walked a little. "I'm not an expert, but I guess that's the best a miserable amateur like me can do... it works for its purpose... take a look if you want" he yawned and drank more.

Both girls took turns watching the sample. It was hard for them to believe those weird tiny things were life forms. Were they like diminutive plants?

"Can they sick us?" asked Lilina, looking at Kiran.

"I'm not sure about these ones. Bacteria and other diminutive life things are everywhere. In our bodies, we have at least 48 billion of them. We should thank that nobody has brought a dangerous one from their world... especially me considering that for you I am an alien." scientists usually feared the existence of alien microorganisms inside meteors that impacted the planet... who knew what could they do? sure, the biochemical barriers may be a decisive factor in determining whether they could become threats or not... but for extra precaution, it was better to do as if they always represented a possible future pandemic.

Lilina scratched her hair. "I still have problems understanding that concept"

Sharena smiled and said. "Well, we deserve a break, come on! let's have fun!"

"That's a good idea," commented Kiran.

He really needed to rest.

The Next Day

While Raigh had an uncomfortable facial expression, Lugh smiled as if he was a little child again.

They were at the dining room of the castle used by the order of heroes. Somehow they were obligated to be there.

May The Future Be Bright: Kiran's Story (ABANDONED, MAYBE FOREVER)Where stories live. Discover now