World Of Revelations Part 0.5

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"I-It's an honor to have the opportunity to meet you, Hero-King Marth." The queen of Askr, who had her children sitting next to her, had to admit that this was one of the most unexpected things in her entire life.

Sure, the fact that Askr and Embla opened gates to the different worlds of the past caused that the ancient monarchs had met the heroes of those worlds multiple times despite how much they wanted the mineral extraction to be discreet, but... this had to be the first time, at least in this version of Askr in the multiverse, that the heroes had accessed their world through a portal and not through an invocation as intended.

"The honor is mine." Marth, sitting in another chair with Caeda by his side, rubbed his chin. "As far as I know, this world is supposed to be in the future of mine, should I then assume that the title of "hero-king" is something that I will receive later in my life?"

Alfonse, with a much more neutral expression than usual, nodded and proceeded to reply. "Veronica's arrival in your world must have prevented you from initiating the ceremony where you would be named that way officially by the monarchs of your allied nations." Still, the guilt inside of him was clear as Alfonse then seemed to take more interest in looking at the ground.

"Well, I think that's a title worthy of you," Caeda commented while scratching her hair, her gaze still denoting nervousness.

Nothing to be surprised if one remembered that she had encountered the Caeda who was already working for The Order Of Heroes.

Both had decided "telepathically" to ignore each other once they understood that, although they were technically the same person, their stories would not necessarily go in the same direction from that point.

The Caeda that came from the portal could tell that she detected some kind of... wish or something like that coming from her counterpart.

"Regardless of what is going to happen in my future, I suppose that I should, first of all, apologize for advancing into Askarian territory with an army and without permission." The future king of Altea closed his eyes as he began to explain.

"Unfortunately, sending a message through a delivery courier was impractical as communication with the Emblian prisoners only seems to be possible with some of my partners and, because of that, we would have not known of the location of your capital."

"The brain translator is a headache." Alfonse nodded, simple normal soldiers would not be considered enough by Veronica to receive the magic that the heroes received and by extension the translator. If they wanted to receive the directions, the heroes themselves had to come to Askr.

"In any case, you were looking for us to join us so we can fight together against Embla correct?" Sharena asked. Usually, she would have her classic smile, but what she had been through with her brother moments ago still bothered her.

Marth nodded. "We couldn't do it immediately as we wished after we were released, but now that everything is, more or less, in order we cannot allow the Emblian empire to not be brought to justice."

Queen Henriette nodded with a smile at first "We are certainly grateful for your support," Before her face denoted concern. "Especially since Embla appears to have formed some kind of alliance with the kingdom of Nohr."

"I think I remember Anna saying that Roy is returning to his world and that maybe he would bring some of his friends to assist us as well. Or at least that's what Commander Anna told me. " Sharena commented.

"And the heroes of the world of Awakening are already on our side as well." Alfonse closed his eyes.

"It seems that we all have pending accounts with Veronica." Caeda reflected.

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