World Of Blazing Final Part

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Kiran/Mark was growling and screaming as he ran.

Definitively... he wasn't thinking correctly at all...

his rational mind tried to dominate his emotional mind, and; at the same time, his emotional one tried to control his rationality.

The result was he couldn't take correct decisions because his emotions interfered in the process instead of being the initial motor... and he also couldn't react to situations quickly enough because his panic of taking a wrong decision made him overthink everything.

Without being able to separate the emotions and rationality, his mind had become a disaster.

He even wasn't running in the correct direction... rather in circles.

The detail was that, once he had left the medical tent, he had realized he wasn't sure at all if this body could do magic even if quintessence was now part of his organism... and even if the body could, the tome he had taken was one he had never used before!

Nino really had to be a prodigious mage to be able to master this tome since the day she received it...

A part of him ordered to return and try to find a different tome that he already had mastered just in case he actually could do magic... another told him to have faith in his skills, he had already experience with advanced magic and this shouldn't be a problem.

The result of this internal rant was that the brain didn't state the obvious experiment... just trying to cast the magic of the tome and determine, at the very least, he couldn't use that one.

His dilemma got interrupted when a strange light suddenly appeared near to him... he instantly remembered the last time he had seen something like this.

When Virion had been defeated back then when he and the order had fought Minerva.

He saw Ephraim appear from the light... apparently being teleported in a way similar to what happened in Star Trek.

As much as this concerned Kiran/Mark regarding the question of whether this Ephraim was the same one... or a clon that believed to be the original... and how much a side of him didn't want to believe the answer was the latter one... he paid more attention to a certain detail...

Ephraim had a massive wound directly below his neck.

Kiran/Mark's face was filled with rage as the fury took over for a moment.

As the healers arrived after they had tried to follow him, Clara approached him carefully. "Sir Kiran, please... sta-" she then noticed the severely wounded hero lying on the ground.

"I don't have time for this!" Kiran/Mark yelled with his fists near his ears. "TAKE CARE OF HIM!" he ordered firmly. He then started run towards the battlefield once more... only to facepalm hardly and return. "Take this!"

Clara's mouth was very opened. "Sir! this is the sacred relic!"

"Yes! and every hero I summoned is teleported to be by this relic's side when they are badly injured! You should have it by the moment!"

Then he ran away once again, never considering the possibility of the relic being stolen or the healers not being careful enough with it... perhaps damaging it and, considering the fact Kiran had never wanted to try to apply the reverse engineer on the weapon because of this, Kiran/Mark should have remembered that.

But again, his mind, being unable to function correctly, made him forget that crucial detail.

This time he didn't return.

Lilina wasn't capable of breathing normally as an effect of what had just occurred.

Her face was stained with some drops of Ephraim's blood, the rest of the compound lying on the ground after the hero suddenly disappeared by a phenomenon she didn't comprehend... it's not like she was trying to understand it... no.

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