Starting To Change The World Part 1

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The Order Of Heroes had left The Wold Of The Mystery, The portal was now far from them. Some days would be necessary to reach the capital thouhg.

During the march, the commander Anna decided that she should have a talk with Kiran regarding his behavior.

"Kiran... what you did was imprudent." she had such an angry face. "I know you don't like Veronica, me neither, but if you continue annoying her like you've been doing, you'll only get her hate for you to increase." Anna did not understand his reasoning, did he want to become Embla's most wanted head? he already had such a big bounty by the mere fact of being the legendary hero... increasing the reward would only motivate more assassins to try to kill him.

"I'm aware of it, Anna, I really do..." Kiran pretended to display shame... only for him to shrug and laugh sarcastically. "but as I said before, I don't give a fuck! besides, the more we frustrate her plans again, and again, and again, it will happen anyway." Kiran yawned.

"But her hate will only be focused on you!" Anna exclaimed in exasperation.

"And that's going to make her make bad chooses because of her being dominated by the hate," he quickly pointed out. "I mean, wasn't it easier to block us the path to home by keeping her forces near the portal? but she didn't do that because she was too angry, her desire to kill me made her move her forces without thinking." the only good thing of that stupid way of thinking in which the orders of royalty were law was the fact stupid decisions were also "law".

"...That's true... I mean, she prepared us a trap before... and she might have made another one..." Anna placed her index finger on her mouth as she looked at the sky. Suddenly everything made more sense.

"Another thing I learned from the books was to ensure your enemies get too dominated by their emotions to do not allow them to think clearly... and fortunately for us... it worked..." Kiran gulped "If that wasn't the case... well... we would have had a very big problem... considering that... we should prepare some strategies to prevent it, I mean, she didn't come up with that strategy this time, but we don't know what could happen in the future..."

The commander nodded. "The problem is this, we don't have enough soldiers to protect all the gates and freeing a world at the same time... the most we can do right now is to protect our towns.." she sighed.

"It's okay... we'll find a solution... talking about soldiers... how many casualties we suffered?..." now it was time to talk about his failure as a tactician.

Because really, he still did not understand why they put him in charge... he might be the "legendary hero" but that did not mean he deserved privilegies!

"Not too many... we lost fifty soldiers." casualties in the battlefield were pretty much impossible to avoid.

"I see..." Kiran sighed.

"Don't blame yourself." Anna placed her hand on his back.

"Yeah yeah... I'm not omnipotent... I can't save them all... at least they weren't too many." regardless of how cruel that could sound... that was reality.

"Good... so... Kiran..." Anna started making her index fingers collide as if she was a young girl with a crush. "I want to discuss something..."

"What you want to know?..." Kiran raised an eyebrow.

Anna placed her finger on her lips again. "I heard you're going to build something like a spyglass but even more powerful... what is it?."

"Well, do you remember that when you told me about Alfonse's friend I mentioned a man with the same name who was supposed to be the inventor of something called telescope? well, I was talking about that thing. Unlike the spyglass its purpose is to observe the stars..." however he sighed and negated with his head. "Well... the model I could build in a world like this only would be useful to see other planets... to see other stars would need something like the Hubble."

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