As A Child

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"So, are we fine now? I mean... I didn't mean to be your enemy and I would prefer to be your friend." Kiran asked, he was sitting on a chair near Robin's bed in the infirmary tent. She had been sleeping for hours after the battle. Being he who caused all those injuries to her... he had apologized to her.

"Y-Yes..." Robin still had that sad face.

"Seriously? still with that thing?" Kiran narrowed.

"I was thinking about what you said..."

"And?" he raised his eyebrow.

"It reminded me a lot to what I told to Chrom and the others when we had to choose between killing Grima or sealing him away..."

"Ah, yeah, Lucina told me something about that. However, the Robin she knew was a male."

"A.. a male?!" Robin was very shocked by this.

"Infinity timelines, infinite possibilities, all of them are a different universe, that Lucina I summoned is from a universe where you are a male. And due to the law of infinite, there's a female me having this same conversation with a male you in other timelines."

"So... our choices create all of them?"

"Pfff, humans wanting to be special." Kiran shook his head and gave a more bored expression. "There's no real proof of that, the existence of infinite timelines does not mean we have real free will, that happens when you presuppose new timelines are generated when the "decision" happens... however, it may be possible that all timelines existed since the beginning of the time. Since all the possibilities must happen, there's an infinite number of us and each one would have their own destiny to fulfill."

"But I don't want to be a pawn! I want to create my own path!"

"That is like saying, I don't want to get hurt by falling from a very high altitude, therefore I can fucking fly... it won't work, reality does not care about what you prefer, lady."

Robin looked at him, clearly sad and horrified.

"I once read a book," spoke Kiran. "It was written by the smartest man in my world... well, the smartest one in the present, in the past there was a smarter one called Isaac Newton... anyway. It said that the knowledge we have got about the brain pretty much confirmed our actions weren't really "our owns". Generating certain electricity impulses on a person's brain you can make them desire to move a hand, speak or anything, and since electricity is a product of matter and the matter obeys the laws of the universe, it's pretty hard to imagine how the free-will would work when the brain, as I said, obeys the laws of nature, it seems like we are just artifacts that are self-aware but our free-will is just an illusion. Of course, the number of variables to consider to be able to predict all your moves is insanely large. Probably over ten trillion variables. It's thanks to that we can still continue our lives, free-will may be fake but at least it feels real enough to enjoy it... besides, what else would we do? go insane? it's pointless, we cannot fight against this." Then Kiran shrugged and began to drink coffee as if he knew nothing about what he had said.

"T-This is crazy..." Robin placed both hands on her head as she felt the worst migraine of her life... well. It wasn't as bad as the ones Grima gave her time ago but... it still was very painful.

"I know, right? but again, there's nothing we can do about it."

Near that bed, another person also heard what Kiran had said.

"How are you able to sleep with all that stuff in your brain."

"Mmmh?" Kiran turned to see Alfonse.

"It is hard to comprehend what kind of events could create your personality... not that I have anything against you but... it's beyond my mental power."

May The Future Be Bright: Kiran's Story (ABANDONED, MAYBE FOREVER)Where stories live. Discover now